
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 08:46:39
面试时问到会计与出纳岗位职责当你在面试时,面试官问到你对会计或出纳岗位有什么自己的认识时该怎么回答才是最简单又说到重点的回答呢?本身也是学会计的.急, I Wish You Loved Me If you love me because Iam a substitute.I...I wish you had never loved me. 英语翻译Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye Cheerio,here I go,on my wayWish me luck as you wave me goodbyeNot a tear,but a cheer,make it gayGive me a smile I can keep all the whileIn my heart while I'm awayTill we meet once again,you and IWish me I have three volleyball,改为否定句 I have an english dI have three volleyball,改为否定句I have an english dictionary.改为一般疑问句she has a ping-pong ball改为一般疑问句Do they have a basketball?作否定回答 I have a volleyball(改为一般疑问句) I have three( ).(photo) 如图,线段ac,b为ac上一点,m,n分别是ac,bc的中点.1>若ab=12cm,求mn的chang如图,线段AC,B为AC上一点,M,N分别是AC,BC的中点.(1)若AB=12cm,求MN的长.(2)若AB=acm,其他条件不变,求MN的长.(3)请写出从(1),(2 看一本书,第一天看了全书的7分之2,是140页,第二天看了全书的5分之1,第二天看了多少页? 溶液体积 = (MV/22.4 + 1000)/ρ mL = (MV/22400 + 1)/ρ V 我不会化简这个了 写出有关家务劳动的词组 例如:take out the rubbish 连词成句take class remember rubbish out the after to Take out rubbish 翻译成中文 把4米长的绳子平均分成6段,每段长是1米的(),2段长是1米的().如题, 如果把一根木料锯成4段需付手工费6元,那么要锯成8段需付手工费多少元?RT{如题} 将一根木料据成4段,需要两分钟,如果要锯成8段,需要几分钟? 一根木料把它锯成四段需要六分钟,照这样计算,把这根木料锯成八段需要多少分钟? 写出两句关于“珍惜时间”的名言 关于珍惜时间的名言警句两句(已有一寸光阴一寸金) 写出两句劝人珍惜时间的名言 用所给词的正确形式填空.1.renenber________(take)out the rubbish when you go out2.The greens______(sweep) the floor now.3.could you please_____(help) out with a few things for your mother?4.Neither my mother nor I______(be)interested No,I won't help you____you sweep the floor and take out the rubbish.横线上只能填一个词 把一根木料锯成4段要8.4分钟,锯成8段需多少分钟? 一种喷洒果树的药水,药粉和水的质量比是1比150.现有300克的药粉,需要加多少先克的水? 一些完全相同的小正方体搭成一个几何体,这个几何体从正面和左面看所得的平面图形均为图示,正方体的块数可口口口口口口 用take the blame for.造句 take the bait 求造句 take the video 造句 请介绍下until的用法. 关于until的用法I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime和I sometimes do not stay in bed until lunchtime意思有什么区别什么时候用not until ,什么时候只用until until 的用法什么时候和not 连用?倒装时怎么变?能不能附上例句? 如图所示, M是AC的中点.N是BC的中点,若AM=1cm.BN=1.cm.求AB的长: