
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 10:12:47
Qinghai Library is ) the left of Xining B.on D.∕ 鲜羊肉煮熟后只有它原重量的20分之13,要准备熟羊肉260克,需要鲜羊肉多少克?要算式! 鲜羊肉煮熟后只有他原重量的13/20,要准备熟羊肉260克,需要鲜羊肉多少克 鲜羊肉煮熟以后只有它原重量的20分之13 ,要准备熟羊肉390千克,需要鲜羊肉多少千克? he's famous film star _many articles have been published in the news papers Awith whichhe's famous film star _many articles have been published in the news papers Awith which B about whom C about which D with whom 选什么为什么 plaza与square有什么区别呢? 贡献和呼吁的造句?急急急急急都写三个,1、贡献····· 2、··· 3、······ 1、呼吁····· 2、······ 3、······· 把命题“点A∈{(x,y)|xy "We received an offer of RMB320 000 for the house ,that we sccepted"改错 she was poor but proud and every offer of help.A.rejected B.received C.accepted D.got选?为什么? 英语,doble和quadratic的区别?如题,ps:不好意思,是double。 高一的信息技术会考编程吗? 四棱锥S—ABCD中,AB∥CD,BC⊥CD,侧面SAB为等边三角形,AB=BC=2,CD=SD=1.求证SD⊥平面SAB 发扬造句 1又29分之6-3又31分之8的绝对值减31分之23-29分之23的绝对值等于多少? 1又29分之6-3又31分之8的绝对值减31分之23-29分之23的绝对值等于多少? 详细的过程 瑞文怎么光速QA 瑞文怎么光速QA呢 呼吁造句要五六行,必须的我今天就要 呼吁的造句 He is _____(淋浴) in the bathroom. Grandma is (doing the washing) in the bathroom.对括号中内容提问 Zip is in the bathroom.l'm her sister. I hope there is a dryer in the bathroom.Is it equipped? Goodmorning my shadow...I don't feel lonely because of U 急 急 急··· 快速求解 信息技术的题目 编程的 这句话china must be the place where the hope will be born有没有问题 计算机编程:信息学奥赛选拔试题小华有138元9角钱,准备全部购买铅笔,店里有8角,6角,5角,4角一支的铅笔4种,请编写一个程序,在8角一支的铅笔必须购买一支的前提下,使买的铅笔数量最多,而钱 一首歌 歌词是是no matter where we are...we do...tommorow will be.是个女的唱的. Jule is ____ ____ ___in the Swimming Club Amy is in the swimming Club.(改为同一句)Amy is ______ __________ ________the swimming Club. 已知∠A的两边分别平行于∠B的两边,且∠A比∠B大20°,求∠A的度数