
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 14:57:52
还有没有描写星空的词语呀!快点了十个以上的 Now we can 'talk' to people in many w__1__,not just face to face or on the phone,but also through the Internet.It is very important for e__2__ to try and improve their communication skills,so let's r__3__ the four golden rules of good communication.F I wonder __we could have a talk after the meeting .A which B why C that D if The face can speak a thousand emotions,but it can easily mask what the heart feels. 能告诉我Anne's best friend 的背景么? 念怎么组词 “念”可以组什么词? 英语翻译1.吃许多汉堡包是不健康的.2.多谢你给我这本书3.他喜欢草莓,但他不喜欢胡萝卜.4.他想去上学,但是他没有钱5.我认为她不喜欢在放学后打乒乓球6.咱们想一想班会吧!咱们想一想开班 anne's best friend的录音 为什么前面用介词with ,后面用in Please write to your teacher with a pen,don't write it in pencil 把下面完壁归赵的剧本中加几句英语或广告词,变成搞笑版的http://www.jxncyz.com/hsb1/bbs/topic.php?forumid=31&filename=f_18&showmode=printpage急急急急急急急急急 麻烦大家看看这首歌的名字是什么?关键句:开头男女对白(m)you know what/(f)what/(f) i feel so good..今天突然想起这首歌,然后这首歌早在6年前的大学时期一直在我大学时候的电脑里.后来某次电脑出 有一首英文歌 丢哇丢哇之后的第一句是baby,you know it,what you have to do are good for me 这是哪首歌 单选:You know what colors look good ___ your skin.A.on B.against理由最重要 与[yu]二声 能组什么词? yu能组哪些词 关于content和contented,请教专业人士看到词汇书上的两句话:Are you content with your present work?There is a contented look on his face.字典上content和contented都有满意的意思,那么在用法上有什么区别吗?可以互 I returned home content.这里content是什么词性?能这么用content west 和western都有形容词词性,用法有什么区别么? The changes in my room 英语作文怎么写? 用icq到底能不能提高英文啊 我怎么跟老外说话 他们都不鸟我呢 我想在ICQ上找外国人聊天,练练英语,可是外国人都不睬我,怎么办呢?我想在ICQ上跟外国人交朋友.以前和很多台湾和泰国的朋友在ICQ上交过朋友的,谈的很是投机,现在好像特别困难了,外国人都 音标是/o/的字母有那些?请带有单词,并注音! 求下列古诗词的意思(急啊~)1.诗经·采薇(节选)昔我往矣,杨柳依依.今我来思,雨雪霏霏.2.春夜喜雨 【唐】杜甫好雨知时节,当春乃发生.随风潜入夜,润物细无声.野径云俱黑,江船火独明.晓 have you a computer?yes,i have a good one.为什么不用it为什么不说i have a good it.it 不是指代同一个事物吗? Have a good time,every Every one is ( have has ) a good time.应该填哪个? The comb isn't _ ._ is yellow.A Nancy ; She B Nancy 's;Hers C Nancy ;Hers D Nancy 'e ;Her为什么?第一道为什么不加Nabcys 而是Nancy‘s. guandma is packing ___ suitcase in the room.a.her b.she c.hers d.she's no none not neither either so 的用法 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟这句诗句意思 英语翻译快