
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 01:05:52
A man comes up to 有一首歌 高潮有很多遍 i don't care 求歌名偶尔听到过几次,只记得高潮的时候节奏很快的,隔一句就出现一次 i dont care,是一首欧美歌,女生唱的,不是韩国组合的歌, 很流行的一首女声摇滚歌词里很多i don't care i don't care ,请问是什么歌曲 如果没有太阳我们还可以根据什么辨别方向? i'm sorry for me buggin' you sorry for being such a fool god knows i've tried but i can't let go i'm crazy 'bout you know who i'm sorry for me needing you sorry girl that you don't feel it too i get the point,should be a man about it i've never been _____!Are you Anne?No,I'm not .a,Hello b,Sorry C,Hi d,Excuse me I think it is right___him___the work.A.of;to doB.for;doingC.for;to doD.of;doing I am ten years old 改为一般疑问句,否定句做肯定回答 I am ten. (改为一般疑问句) 怎么改?急! 怎样使用手表观看太阳辨别方向 如何利用手表辨别方向? Don't worry.There is little time left.这句话有什么不对的地方? don't worry.there is__time left怎么选,原因, There is -----time left.Don't worry.A.few.B.aThere is -----time left.Don't worry.A.few.B.a few .C.little.D.a littleQ1:问-----处选?Q2:问-----处为什么选A/B/C/D? don't worry!There is some time_____.为什么填left Don't be worry!There is still alittle time left单句改错 在线设计英文名,我叫邹颖睿,女,想要一个英文名,英文名最好与中文名发音一致或与中文名局部发音一致. They are good friends.(改为感叹句)____ ____ students they are! the number of people who die aged last birthday是什么意思?比如说 die aged 60 last birthday 那请问是60岁死的 还是61? The snowstormkilled hundreds of people last month.=Hundreds of people _ _ _ in the snowstorm last month.There was much fog this morning.=It _ _ this morning.How cold the weather is!=What _ _ _ The weather is frosty today.(用Tomorrow改写)The _ _ _ The number of people on 65 years of age has increased 28% in the last ten years.这句话哪错了 把词组成句子 where.to tell stay.people Tell people【 】 Awhere to stay Bto stay where C where stay to? It stands there to tell people where to turn could you tell me where to stay?为什么用to who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?看我是个好学的小女生~ She moved here with her family when she was five years old.同义句转换英语大课堂8B19页第二大题第五小题 She tried to phone him,_______there was no answer because he was abroad.这个选while还是but呢? He went up to him and asked him 的意思 Xiao ming went up to him and tried to ___ the umbrella for for the old man but he faild.全文是这样的:It was a r afternoon.Xiao Ming was on his way home from school .Suddenly he saw an old man walking in the rain.The old man hadn't got an umbr he went to his office,not to see him. the little girl wanted to know when her father could take her to pairs