
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 06:40:20
穿越火线夜玫瑰说中文还是英文还有 3.7版本什么时候公测 求穿越火线名字,英文+中文,有下滑线,带个 小超 急需,谢谢~~ 求一字读音左耳刀加一个偶的右半部分 求一字的读音米反 把他们合成一字,左右合拢,读什么? man in the mirror什么意思 When he turned the corner,he found himself ( )(tail)by a man in black.括号里填什么,为什么这么填? the,the ,are ,I ,box ,coats ,blue ,think,in一定要帮忙,但是一定要对!连词成句!一定要对哦,不能错! The coats have been sold out in the clothes shop.There are no coats.改为同义句 怎样分清汉语拼音的2声调和3声调如;?2声"ó" 3声" ǒ" "憎恶"两个字的汉语拼音要用声调要用声调,我想知道憎恶的憎的zeng是第几声调 the monkey is tail is long .the dinosaur is tail is( )a.long.b.longer.c.longest Dose the tiger______a long tail?A.is B.have C.has 帮我妹妹做做! I can see a lovely in the tree.( )tail is very long.请填空并翻译. 【英语】The monkey's tail is long,()the dinosaur's tail is longer.A.and B.so C.but The snake is very long.It is not( )( )里填什么? 造句!用两同一个词语不同读音的词语造句用老子造句(一个子是第三声,还有一个子是轻声)分别造句.地道(道:分别是第四声和轻声)照应(应:分别是第四声和轻声)东西(西:分别是第 It looks like a bird and it can fly in the skyk开头要答案不要意思 一字在不同的词里的读音不同 怎么让我的孩子区分呢 It looks like a bird and it can fly in the sky It looks like a bird and it c 求一个字在诗句中的读音欸语春风入户庭中的欸字读音 The p___looks like a big bird in the sky... The kite in the sky looks like a bird 对 a bird 提问 It's like a bird ,but has no feather.It's like a dragonfly,but has no legs.It can fly in the sky,anyun on the ground. 帮我取一个寓意好的英文名,已经用烂的英文名就不要来了,我是水瓶座的女生,最喜欢的花是薰衣草,我比较看重名字的意义.另外请大虾附上中文翻译+中文谐音,我英文实在太烂了 = = 【本人是 气氛、憎恶、参与、惩罚 这些词的读音声调分别是什么? 绕有一个读音读“rao”二声调的吗?有的话它该怎样组词? 请问一下普通话词语中,当两个轻声字碰在一起时,读音声调有什么规定? put the tail in the donkey这句话哪有错 中的读音zhong,4声调能组什么词 put the tail on the donkey Pin the Tail on the Donkey什么意思 The worker put in a bag.改错