
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 08:58:06
do not与don t有何区别 谁能帮我分析下现在的我自己啊,What's wrong with me?本人92年双子男一枚。-----------割这两天好是纠结;做什么都没兴致,效率很低,无聊到宁 英语 sound和sounds的区别听有些人说,这两个词是第三人称与非第三人称.(单数)可很多时候,比如Let't play soccer.Thant sounds interesting.这里我觉得that又不是第三人称单数,为什么也加“s”请讲解 sound和sounds的差别 The woman couldn't get out and was in great d__.the fire is very t__.首字母填空 was it difficult to make peter agree with you “sound”和“sounds”的用法 the living eonditions of this city ____(improve)in the last few years. tom hardly morning lazy ever every becausehe runs is 连词成句 一个荷花池第一天开两朵花,第三天开八朵荷花,第五天开32朵花,第29天开满,问第二十八天开几朵急是二十九天的几分之几 The doctor said he could do nothing to help him.动词不定时做什么句子成分 my sister is good . maths 草字头下面一个窑字去掉上面的点度什么? 1.there isn't much I can do to help him这句话里怎么有4个动词(系动词 情态动词 实义动词 不定式)为什么不是I can help him,加do干嘛?2.he hasn't got as much work to do as I have.这句话里为什么有to do? You can a--- him to help you Have they got any (bean) in the bag?No,they haven‘t.(选择真确的形式填空) They have not got a c_____,They have not got two w___ 大概是九十年代的一部电视剧,剧情已完全想不起来了,就是进城打工的吧,只记得片尾曲一句歌词:打工打工打工 打工 我们快乐乐打工 不是外来妹 记得是农村题材的啊 农民进城打工吧 两个 May I help you to do sth 的回答 For the past two years,I have been busy preparing for the examination.请问这句话的主谓宾分别是? 炫舞刷转转到底是prisoner of love好还是give me five好?prisoner of love222p give me five236pgive me five p多,为什么很多人还是讲prisoner of love 好 英语翻译The meaning of MOTHER "M" is for the million things she gave me,"O" means only that she's growing old,"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,"H" is for her heart of purest gold,"E" is for her eyes,with the love-light shining,"R "means r 宇多田光prisoner of love中don't you give up这一句是谁唱的?很缠绵的声音 小米3,3,29升级后手机自己会振动 因为要考商务英语,需要了解一些基本术语,能麻烦你介绍一些书籍参考一下吗? 小米手机为什么自己震动别来回复 我弄错了!回答了我也不采纳 小米手机如何设置震动 试比较《芙蕖》与《爱莲说》在立意上有何不同?《芙蕖》原文 (李渔)芙蕖与草本诸花似觉稍异,然有根无树,一岁一生,其性同也.予夏季倚此为命者,芙蕖之可人,其事不一而足,请备述之.群葩当 周敦颐的《爱莲说》,也是写荷花,它的立意跟《芙蕖》一文有何不同?试稍作比较. 如何快速搞定商务英语(转) 蓝领,白领,金领是什么意思解释一下,再区分一下,谢了 BEC 如何准备