
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 20:24:54
1.求下列函数的定义域 样本方差怎么求?如:以篮球队中随机选出5名队员180,188,200,195,187,则身高的样本方差是, 竞彩让球澳大利亚+1,推荐3,复选1 什么意思,求解竞彩让球澳大利亚+1,推荐3,复选1什么意思,求解 怎么求样本方差的啊以篮球队中随机选出5名队员180,188,200,195,187,怎身高的样本方差是多少?(写具体点) 飞行员复选不过的主要因为哪些原因?复选通过概率大约多少? 英语完成句子,按后面关键词来答1 Jeff is very good at telling funny stories;he knows_________(amuse) 杰夫非常擅长讲有趣的故事,他知道怎样把人们逗乐 2 wearing the pink dress at the dance party last night,Kate's aunt___ 选择恰当的句子完成答句( )1.Do they have a tennis racket?( )2.Let's play baseball.( )3.Is that your volleyball?( )4.Are these your tennis rackets?( )5.What do you have?A.Yes,they are.B.Yes,they doC.I have a sports collection.D.Yes,it is.E.T 请熟悉英语文化的人帮起个英文名,最好与“淼”(miao)谐音找工作需要英文名字,名字的发音是“wangmiao”,最好不要太生僻或太普通的名字,如果能知道含义是最好的,我是女生,中性一点的也可 如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,∠A=36°,BD是∠ABC的平分线,E是AB的中点,ED交BC的延长线于F.求证:AB=CF自己画下图, 初二几何3(急!追加悬赏!~)如图,在△ABC中,角BAC=90°,AD是BC边上的高,BE是角平分线,且交AD于F.(1)求证:AE=AF;(2)如果∠C=30°,AE=1,求AC的长 做5.6.7.8题 Have you ever fallen out of a tree 什么意思? 分数应用题---抓不变量解题练习五年一班有1/5的同学参加夏令营,后来又有2名同学参加,这时参加夏令营的人数是不参加的1/3,五年一班有多少人参加了夏令营? 今天晚上就要,能解多少是多少 感激不尽1.用正确的代词补全句子1.——What is( )phone number,Amy?——( )is 333-8976.2.These are my friends.( )are in No.1 Middle School. 帮忙取个很不常见的英文名我的中文名:祝国耀希望酷点的.很偏僻的那种. twenty-five 25jewels swss made 这是我表上机芯上的 一条Burberry围巾,水洗标上除了标有made in Scotland,还用中文写了不可水洗,不可氢漂以及其他一些不可 How to make preparation for exporting?用中文回答就行了, ___Peter and his sister like apples? ( )her sister( )(like)this e-dog?( )you( )(do)morning exercise after class?jim( )(have)four classes in the morning.l woula like (tell)you about my life heremy friends and l always have great( )(fun)thenthey have lost of fun on ( )(children)dayshe w make 文章第一段就开始叙事叫什么写法 暑假记事作文怎样才能写得好,可以写什么. 大家帮忙做到英语短文改错,急用哈!Now more and more people keep dogs like pets.You will often see people walked with their dogs unless you are in a town or a city.Once upon a time,people used dogs for the hunting of other animal,and some fear 后面是加doing?do?还是to do?题是这样的:The little girl fears _______ (stay)alone in the dark. the loneliness in new zealand是什么意思 the kiwi lives only in new zealandThe kiwi lives only in New Zealand.It is a very strange bird because it cannot fly.The kiwi is the same size as a chicken.It has no wings or tails.It does not have any feathers like other birds.It has hair on its bod New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere.的阅读 the New Zealand Company是啥意思?HISTORYMaori legend has it that the explorer Kupe was the first person to discover Wellington harbour. The original Maori name was Te Whanga Nui a Tara, Tara being the son of a Maori chief named Whatonga who had se This is not my Christmas, I am not happy, I feel sad and upset. 现代西班牙语第一二册答案 the trading price differences of stocks and bonds.怎么翻译?