
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 11:46:34
there used ————(be) a building near the school. I don't want so 有一种特殊的平行四边形,这样的平行四边形叫菱角,把你的发现记录写下来 现在要 菱角磨平什么意思 In April,thousands of holidaymarkers remained _____abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.A.sticking B.stuck be stuck have stuck为什么排除别的, A volcanic eruption in Iceland has sent ash across northern Europe Airlines have stopped or changed the flights across the Atlantic Ocean, leaving hundreds of passengers stuck in airports. Grimsvom is one of the largest and most active volcanoes in E In April students remained stuck due to the volcanic ash could .为啥不能用to have stuck Please write slowly and carefully的解析 仔细点啊 1.Please listen to___carefully.a.Kally and l and Kally c.Kally and me 英语the other 和 other的问题为什么是 He is taller than any other boy in his class而不是 He is taller than any the other boy in his classin his class 不是特指了吗?为什么other前面还不加 求教 stay hungry stay foolish 怎么翻译啊 急用 The greatest gift i can give others is...is后面加名词.急用. 安卓开发timePicker的 MainActivity.this.hour = hour;这句话是什么意思,求详解timePicker.setOnTimeChangedListener( new OnTimeChangedListener() {public void onTimeChanged(TimePicker view,int hour,int minute) {MainActivity.this.hour = hour; THIS HOUR HAS 22 MINUTES怎么样 when do you wear your school uniform? Must we wear a uniform at school?作肯定回答 Yes,you --------- increase by和increase to 有什么区别,要利于解题 increase 和enhance 两个不都是动词吗,怎么可以这样放,是不是中间缺一个“/”,表示两个词并列On the other hand,students should increase enhancetheir awareness of environmental protection. raise & increase有什么区别?如题 在 POSTCROSSING里 怎么所要别人的地址然后 寄出明信片? postcrossing 寄到国外的明信片 怎么寄1 寄外国要写邮政编码吗 地址上哪个数字是邮编2 把地址打印出来直接糊上去粘邮票就能寄了吗3 就这么投进邮箱就可以了吗 需要投到特别的邮箱去吗4 是 请问increase和grow ;gain 和earn;pick和cut的区别 grow 和increase的区别?两者都表示增加意思 —Do you agree _______ him —No,I don’t really agree.A:toB:onC:withD:of Do you really think what he said was practical?I don`t entirely agree,but________.A.just let it goB.I don`t careC.go aheadD.I doubt it 大型机械加工及铸造辽宁营口大型铸造机械加工8吨,20吨,电弧炉.80,100钻床.4米立车.TX6113卧式镗床.T6920D落地镗铣床.8米,10米龙门铣等.及小加工设备.欢迎与我厂建立合作关系.15124215217 肖先生 铜合金铸造或者机械加工零部件通常用于哪些行业?有什么比较知名大的公司么? 铸造合金元素,关于加入合金元素的问题铸造球墨铸铁,将微量合金元素放在浇包中,然后浇入铁水,忘记了搅拌,合金元素能融化吗?还有合金元素能均匀分布吗?望有经验的同志解答一下这个问题 T-ara的little apple里的这个女的是谁呀 是涩琪吗 求T-ara little apple教学视频就是教你怎么跳的,慢动作的那种...急用. 吉林师范大学 翻译硕士真题15年考研,求吉林师范大学 翻译硕士历年真题 T-ara《Little Apple》MV的女配角是谁?