
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 07:58:55
李嘉诚经商名言:每一个商务时代的到来,都会造就一大批. 急求关于“忠”的名言警句.不是爱国的,可以是忠于祖国. We Have not had ___________ for many weeks.A.such cold day as thisB.such cold a day as thisC.such a cold day like thisD.such a cold day as this而且AB的错误我也了解,但是为什么不可以是like? 有关德的名言是德要古人的,不是道德,是德行 We have so much f----- when we are fighting for the ball have a fight against 是否有这个词组?如果有,其用法是什么? play this game against the computer什么意思 感觉在那里英文怎么写 求“我买了一套英语丛书”的翻译 i buy__ __english books 请给我买一套书英文翻译please buy me __ __ __books 目不转睛的看是什么望 曾的Forever road歌词如题 Forever Road 歌词 氨气能排什么液体收集?(除向下排气法)就像HCl可以用排饱和食盐水收集一样,氨气据说也可以用某种液体排(我知道不可能是水) 用排液集气法收集氨气可选用的实试剂:浓硫酸,饱和氯化钠,四氯化碳那个可以为什么? 朱自清不领美国救济粮的故事? 朱自清一身重病,宁可饿死,不领美国的‘救济粮’谁知道这个故事 简要的说一下200字内8点之前给答案 英语翻译希望得到这个歌词的翻译 我自己粗略的翻译了下 觉得不理想 希望各位能给个更完美的There's a light 那里有一束光A certain kind of light 确实是一束光That never shone on me 它从来不照向我I wa make his way (back) home back 能换成on a man may lead a horse to the water,but he cannot make it drink One man can lead a horse to water,but ten cannot make him drink. 初二 根据首字母填空He's going to the c_____ to listen to the music.She's on of the w______ in the sports meeting. 改写句子:I am going there with my mom.(who) I am going to plant tress with my mom提问急用 用所给的特殊疑问词改写句子:例:I an going to take a trip with my mom.(What)→What are you going to do with you mother?1.I am going there with my mom.(Who)改成:2.We are going to Hangzhou by bus.(How)改成:3.We are going to see mom me with a going is trip my on连词成句 如果别人问你"What's your nationality ?"你应该回答"China"还是"Chinese"? What's your nationality?I'm___ A.a Chinese B.CWhat's your nationality?I'm___ A.a Chinese B.Chinese C.a&b A man may lead a horse to the wather ,but he cannot make him drink的意思 a man may lead a horse to the water,but he cannot make it drink为什么lead不加s 为什么有的女生会直勾勾的盯一个男生看呢?.目不转睛的.很深情的. 目不转睛的意思?