
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 19:53:22
The man in blue coat is my father. ----------- 对虚线部分提问 show sb.around的中文 手足情深的意思 孔子是一个怎样的人物? be said to be doing和be said to have been doing的区别 孔子是一个怎样的人 孔子是什么人物? 英语翻译It was 1:00 in the morning and I am(1was) on a plane coming back to United States from China.The sun rose(2was rising) as we flew east over the Pacific Ocean.The flight attendant just made me to(3去掉to) pull down the shade beca We get to the villiage have wiped out in the earthquake.是否正确,have后是否要加been It was such a ______ to hear that all the earthquake victims have been taken good care of in Sichuan.A.mercy B.laughter C.relief D.loss During an earthquake ,the great part of damage mad loss of loss life have been due to collapse of buildings and other effects rather than from the quakes themselves. -----of time and energy have been spent in marking the earthquake-sticken areas a permanaent museum to remind people how disatrous disaster can be ---A.A graet dealB.A good many C.Large numbersD.Lagre quantities 2 the earthquake is a ____( 自然 )disaster 3 i have been skating s_____ iwas seven years old 4 i'm 孔子什么时候死的 请问:孔子什么时候死的 孔子是什么时候死的? 哪里可以下载英语书的mp3牛津英语,广州的 《我最喜欢的一句名言》 450字 不要太好 show sb sth和show sb around sth的区别? 一首励志的歌曲,英文书.好像是彼尚的《奇迹30》相关的.基本上节奏就是“.,it's mine,.,it's mine!”Song composed by Bijan Anjomi 作曲人:彼尚(美国)Song Title :It's Mine 歌名:《是我的》 歌词翻译:小 谁知道些励志的书籍和歌曲求推荐.小弟在此表示感谢! 谁能告诉我一些英文的励志歌曲啊?如题,请大家帮找下, 退刀槽的问题M72*2我做了个退刀槽是槽宽2.5槽深2,M18*1.5退刀槽槽宽2槽深1.5能加工吗?我查机械设计手册,M72*2槽深1,槽宽3.4,M20*1.5槽深0.8,槽宽2.5 用于“励志 规划人生”的主题班会 合唱用的 轴什么情况下要退刀槽, 请你告诉我手足情深的意思? 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译然后改正错误,十项错误, 英语翻译In the United States and Canada,people often invite friends over for g meal ,a party,or just coffee.Here are the kinds of things people always say.” Would you like to come over for dinner tonight”?or ”Hey,we are having a party on Fr 英语翻译Uncle Dick sent John and Rose a big vase.And their room was too small that they did not 1.___________have enough room for it.So they give it to a 2.__________friend of them.The vase went from one house 3.__________to another.At the end a 非谓语动词having been done和 done作状语有什么区别?请给出些例子都与主语是动宾,也就是被动关系,前一个是发生在谓语动词之前,后一个表完成,那都是发生在谓语动词之前的,那还要怎么区分呢? 非谓语动词被动态的done和having been done有什么区别?如题 having done 与done在非谓语动词中区别