
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 23:46:14
1)You can improve your spoken English _.A)from practice B)in practice C)with pracitice D)into pracitice2)The meeting of strikers _quietly.A)passed by B)passed away C)passed off D)passed through3)All the staff in our company are considering _to the ci The girl was finally found hidden behind the door,【from where】 she could hear what her parents said.(为什么要用from where ,where前面也可以接介词吗,不是where=in/during which 什么的吗)We should realize the fact that when you g 请问怎么解释(英语高中) 一个多项式与3x²+6x-2的和是x²-2x+4,求这个多项式一个多项式与3x²+6x-2的差是x²-2x+4,求这个多项式 1.Sally____Beijing for Shanghai and_____there ever since.You can go and pay her a visit on your way to Hangzhou.(A)A.has left;worked B.left;worked C.has left;had worked D.left;has worked2.Did you have a good time last night?Yes,thank you.I apprecia 一:---Have you seen the film Steal Happiness?---No,but i would rather i _____ it before.A:have seen B:had seem二:帮忙详细介绍一下一大堆形容词修饰一个名词时的顺序,例如a lovely old chinese vase之类的. My uncle also did them and he only lived _____ eighty.A.in B.at C.to D.being So far as population is concerned.New York is( )the biggest cities in the world.A about B on C among D farAt times the balance in nature( ),resulting in number of possible unforessen effects.A is disturbing B is disturbed C has disturbed D will distu 13,After the heavy rain,the river ______.A,is risen B,is raised C,rose D,raised 14,this kind of thing _____ already _____ somewhere in the world.A,has been,happened B,has,happened C,will,happen D,are,happening 15,the film _____at night.And then we wa (1/94*95)+(1/95*96)+(1/96*97)+(1/97*98)+(1/98*99) 若x-3=y-2=z-1求x²+y²+z²-xy-yz-zx的值过程 已知x+y+z=1,且xy+yz+zx=0,求x²+y²+z²的值. 如果x-y=m,y-z=n,那么x² + y² +z² -xy-yz-zx的值等于( )A.mn B.(m²+n²)n C.m²+n²+mn D.mn(m+n)虽然是填空题,还是希望各位能写出过程来,毕竟我要弄懂啊,. 这两题怎么写要简算 这题怎么写啊,能简算吗 英语定语从句的几道题目,用定语从句翻译下面句子 1.站在树下的男孩是我的哥哥2.我昨天借的书很有趣3.他是去年教我们物理的老师4.我喜欢漂亮的电影明星5.他们正在谈论他们以前看过的电 初三上册的英语题(关于定语从句的)组合下列两个句子为一个句子还要翻译!1.My father took photos.They were like by everyone.2.This is a picture.We found the picture in an old shop.3.Have you seen the clothes?I bought the 如果x-y=m,y-z=n,那么,x的平方+y的平方+z的平方-xy-yz-zx的值等于多少? 这怎么写要简算 怎么写 ,能简算要简算 英语题(尽量说明理由)1Tom,will you ( )the Chinese club?(应该填join 还是join in,为什么2Every player wants to ( )the( )( ) in the Olympics.(赢得金牌)3I like football very much.I like football( )( ).(同义句4THE Sthdents wi (1)你能算出阴影部分的面积吗?(单位:cm)(2)学校综合楼前面有一块长方形空地,长25cm、宽16cm.你能在这块空地上设计一个漂亮的花圃,使它的面积约是150平方米吗?答得好.第一个问题不 化简cosα∧3×cos3αsinα∧3×sin3α 1.Hearing the exciting news,the Chinese people all _______ at that moment.A.are cheer B.cheered on C cheered up D.cheers out2.Many buildings were ______ and new buildings are being built.A.put down B.pulled down C.climbed down D.fell down 已知O<α<π,且sinα,cosα是方程5x2-x+m=0的两个根,求:tan(3π-α) sin3α+cos3α 已知a是方程x²-2009x+1=0的一个根,试求a²-2008a+2009/a²+1的值 已知a+b=10,ab=21,求a²+b² 已知a>b,求证a(b²+1)-b(a²+1)>0 求当x趋近于a时,(sin x - sin a) / (x - a)的极限 当x→∞时,x*sin(1/x)的极限=?麻烦写下过程 当x趋于2时 sin(x-2)/x-2的极限是多少?还有:当X→0时,|sinx|/x怎么是不存在啊? 已知有理数a,b,c满足|a-b-3|+(b+1)²+|c-1|=0,求(-3ab)·(c-1)的值