
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 13:05:05
能不能推荐一本英语工具书,适合高中生强化英语的本人快高二了,想提高下自己的英语成绩丫.文科的~ 孔子是一个什么样的人? how do you get there回答 How do you get there? How do you get there 还是How do you get to there.原因是什么 "how did you get there "如何回答 can not find or load a file which is required to execute the game 需要把客户端卸了吗下了CF 还要下补丁吗? can not find or load a file which is required to execute the game重新安装了好多次(不是覆盖)玩cf还出现这段字、、求高手 两条线有1个焦点,3条线有3个焦点…第n条线有几个焦点? 一道关于焦点的数学题平面内两条不重合的直线最多有几个焦点?三条互不重合的直线最多有几个焦点?n条互不重合的直线呢? 关于历史故事的成语(比如围魏救赵) If the letter to be mailing was placed on the writing table an hour ago,it is certain being there now.In the long run,however,this hurry to shed full-time staff may be more harmful to industry as it is to the workforce.两句各有一个错误,请分 They ( ) the children for four years.A.watched B.saw C.looked D.looked at My music teacher _____angry with me.A.never B.is never C.usually is D.usually写出正确答案和为什么选这个答案的理由 Kate is really friendly.she's never angry with 英语翻译方便 使用 最好有现成的例子 索引要好用 田忌赛马的成语 田忌赛马是成语吗是寓言成语吗,还有高山流水。这俩要是对了,我考试就是第一了 people say a man needs connections to survive in society.do you agree?写一篇英文文章people say a man needs connections to survive in society.do you agree?写一篇英文作文,字说200词以上 中国古代有许多成语故事,如“田忌赛马”、“围魏救赵”、“塞翁失马”、“刻舟求剑”、“郑人买履”、“邯郸学步”、“拔苗助长”等,这些故事都包含着从生活中总结出来的哲学道理. In order to baby,must survive.Must adhere I have __________(many) oranges than you book mark twain..i read an interesting book________Mark Twain yesterdayA.on B.to C.at D.for Qian Zhoungshu wrote the book.(同义句) many teenagers love the book _____(write)by Mark Twain(题目)答案是writen,为什么不用were writen?(重点)如果回答清楚的话还可加悬赏分(注) After he lost his arm,he wrote a book.改同义句 ____ ____ his arm,he wrote a bookAfter he lost his arm,he wrote a book.改同义句 ____ ____his arm,he wrote a book “毫无疑问,他会成功的”翻译成英语.要定语从句 am not sure where I could have left it中where引导的到底是状语从句还是表语从句?He is where you told him to go 中的where引导的到底是状语从句还是表语从句? i have not seen him befor.can you tell me what he is___look likelooklikelike look 为什么孔子是中国历史的名片? 如果为孔子设计一张名片,你会怎样向世人介绍他呢? 求久住小春《HAPPY HAPPY SUNDAY》的歌词中文谐音~中文谐音!