
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 11:34:00
天王盖地虎, 天王盖地虎,宝塔镇河妖, 宝塔镇河妖,有何典故吗? 编写学雷锋的童谣 天王盖地虎,宝塔镇河妖?.. There work is _____(true) common 有关学雷锋的童谣(自编) That's great Do you think being good-looking,having a nice smile and a handshake will get you far in life.这句话中being是什么用法 Smile had not see through you,will not forget in this life Curcuma Mi,Qin 汉译英.他昨天是第一个爬到山顶的.He was the first to _____ the top of the mountain. sally borrwed my jacket.but she didn`t r_____ it to me 今年,小李的年龄是他爷爷的5分之一小李发现,12年之后,他的年龄变成爷爷的3分之一.试求出今年小李的年 in turn 与in return 到底有何区别? This's my ruler and that's his ruler 有没有错 This's my clock .that's his ruler 哪里错了? what do you do in the fall?I often eat icecream,go swiming. What do you like to do in fall?的回答 This is a ruler and That a ruler ,too和That is aruler and This is a ruler,too那个对,为什么 听译歌词,The Temper Trap请帮我写出这首歌的英文歌词如果连中文一同翻译的话多给一倍的赏分.我要这首MV里的歌词,包括旁白.各位翻译的都很好,不过都是以 alfredyanghui的为蓝本,所以分还是给TA What makes this debate unique is that every meal we eat is at its very core.And that fact means one thing:it’s an issue to be discussed not only around policy tables,but dinner tables 发/g/音的单词有哪些要带中文 What makes china unique ?这是英语口试的问题,速求答案,约100词左右. 求100个单词的英语作文 my day 给带点的词语换个词 please take he to the classroom有错吗? teaches we englishi favorite subject is chinesehim is my friend lilei John really likes playing computer games.H____,he only does them in his ferr time 横线上填什么? 我叫希望可以取个别致的英文名字XU SHENG 一种报纸,如一个月一订,没优惠,一年一订,优惠百分之10.一年一订订阅一年要108.如果一月一订三个月要几元?要有步骤和答案 别致的英文名别人不能有,要容易记住 Where does afternoon come before morning in the world? 英语:social call 什么意思