
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 05:41:17
急:请问英语高手:starting cap 我有个客人问我要买starting cap,我不知道怎么翻译,这个是什么产品,用处如何, 化工英语 welded 英语翻译请翻译这篇文章,不要机器的哦~Every year a lot of films are made,but not all of them are good for us.Most of these films are not suitable for children.Before we see a film in a cinema or watch a DVD at home,we should be caref Every year many ______ go to the great wall. some of them are forigners.可以把tourists 换成 people吗?为什么? )111.---Few films made at home are interesting,________ they?---But I don’t think every film )111.---Few films made at home are interesting,________ they?---But I don’t think every film from Hollywood is worth seeing,and some of them are as _____ How long do you usually stay out ______(make)films every year? she can speak Japanese_______( beautiful) (Every one of the films) we have( shown) this year (has been )a success.帮忙分析一下它的语法结构 关于How many Japan does she speak?为什么用Japan不用Japanese? 高三一轮复习阶段还必须每天做英语阅读吗? Cap Minocim这种药的中文名是什么?我得了头皮脂溢性皮炎,医生开了这种抗生素,请问这种药的中文名称是什么? cap服饰是什么 I'm terribley sorry,____ I can't go hiking with you this Saturday.It's ok!We can go together next time.A so B but C and D or 应该选 B 还是C 有点纠结~ Paul sits on my left.Nancy sits on my right合并成一句 连词成句——————Nancy,me,sits,beside. 英语阅读竞赛怎么弄?区里搞什么英语阅读竞赛.我是第一次参加,没什么经验.所以想问问,考什么题型?还有该如何准备,提高阅读速度和答题正确率. 同安区首届小英语阅读竞赛卷四年级有谁知道吗 教教我吧 this pencil box is mine.针对mine划线提问. 英语阅读手抄报的内容 I can't go with you b____I have too much homework. 在名词里分有专有名词与普通名词,那请各位大虾帮我看看(Nancy) 是专有名词还是普通名词是英语 同学们最喜欢听Nancy老师编的童谣你能猜出来中缺的词语吗请用正确的词语将童谣补充完整Playing,playing,I ______ playing.Riding,riding,you ______ riding.Swimming,swimming,he ______ swimming.Eating,eating,she _______ eat 用"格"可以组那些词语?"格"在第二,三,四位上 用I和me和my和mine造句 关于名词的格什么时候 名词的格后面 是 's 像是指有生命的.还有什么可以用我就是想知道那些特例啊...... 照例子改变句子:This is my pencil=This pencil is mine.1.That is our school.=2.These are her notebooks.=3.Those are their crayons.=4.Is this your present?=5.Are these his paints?=二.对括号里提问This is (my) new school bag.________This new nancy is a fair girl. Is that girl’s namr Nancy?(改为同义句) the girl in the bule is Nancy.错句修改 The clothes______nice.i'll take ______.A.looks,it B.look,them.C.looks ,them 文曲星跟踪测试卷八上15~18页的答案 Not only Mary but also Lucy have volunteerd to help others.(改为否定句)