
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 16:32:47
她的名字是吉娜翻译 ______ ______ name is Gina 连词成句:a,poem,writing,she,is,for,teacher”sday 七年级英语改错题:( )——————Let(A) me have(B) a look(C) the photo. what's that over there?let's go and() A have a look B look for C look D have a look at急……在线等……记得说明理由 (1)what can I do for you?(2)these are shor pants(3)let's have a look at the picture同义句转换 求鉴定,burberry巴宝莉围巾真伪生日时同学送的.摄像头像素不好,只能照成这样了,但手感摸起来不错,所以不知道到底是真是假. 加拿大房价谁了解,想知道温哥华房价情况? 加拿大皇后大学距离多伦多、渥太华和蒙特利尔各有多远啊? art teacher very is my smart 连词成句 Fall in love with the same person twice .是啥意思? people who fall in love are Let's have a look at this new picture.如何回答?A.Right B.That's all rightC.All rightD.You are right 活下去 英文翻译"活下去" 要祈使句 用两根长度都是60厘米的铁丝分别做成一个长方体和一个正方体框架,再在框架上糊上一层纸.比较一体下哪个框架用的纸少? 张师傅用两根同样唱的铁丝分别围成一个长方体框架和一个正方体框架,围成的长方体框架的长是12厘米,宽是8厘米,高是4厘米,那么正方体框架的棱长是多少厘米? Let's have a look a look at the photo.(改为同义句) Let's ---- ---- the photo. There ______ a sports meeting in our school next month.A.will have B.would be C.is going to have D.will be I would like to have a bottle of milk.(改成同义句) 设G为无向图,则下列结论成立的是()A.无向图G的结点的度数等于边数的两倍B.无向图G的结点的度数等于边数C.无向图G的结点的度数 之和等于边数的两倍D.无向图G的结点的度数之和等于边数 设A,B,C为任意的命题公式,证明:等值关系有(1)自反性:A←→A(2)对称性:若A←→B,则B←→A(3)传递性:若A←→B且B←→C,则A←→C 谁能帮我翻译这首歌《 Because Of You 》--- 98 DegreesBecause of You 歌手:98 Degrees And Rising Its all... its all... its all... Youre my sunshine after the rain Youre the cure against my fear and my pain Cause Im losing my mind When 做了一个正方体木质框,给木框涂红绿两种颜色,使每个面只有一条绿棱,应涂几条绿棱?几条红棱? 棱长4分米的正方体木快每一面都涂红色再将木快剧成棱长1分米的小正方体小正方体涂红色的有几个两面都涂红色的有几个 连词成句 very,popular,you,english,world,know,is,the very in popular you english world know is the连词成句‘ 连词成句,soccer popular is very the world all over 用very.in.puplae.you.English.world.know.is.the.组成一句话 英语翻译请将语句“如果小王学习努力,那么他就会取得好成绩.”翻译成命题公式. 怎样求扇形象的面积公式 the teacher stands in什么 front of the classroom Have yuo ever been to science museum?这句话是宾语从句吗?如果是帮忙解释一下这类宾语从句的概念,例如:它的标志呀.顺序呀的. 用宾语从句改写句子:Have you seen the film?he asked me." where is the shopping mall?"I asked her