
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 18:28:49
请问一下句子括号部分用过去时与过去完成时有什么区别?翻译时有什么不同呢?To my surprise,he held up a book,The Collected Works of Edgar Allen Poe,and asked if anyone 【read 】it.To my surprise,he held up a book,The Col 关于时态问题The birthday child with his eyes covered then_______(try) to hit the animal with a stick untill it bursts open. 能给我发一下we will be okay----bb.boys吗? sUCH AS和like的区别 第四题 溪岸小学开展“如何实施高效课堂”教研活动 said Tony与Tony said翻译“托尼说”是不是两种方式都行?能解释一下其中的知识点吗? We Will Be Okay we will be okay mp3完整版 f677379@foxmail.com 39.已知不对称烯烃与HX(卤化氢)的加成反应如下:R-CH=CH2+HX--->R-CHX-CH3 生成的一卤代物在一定条件下分子内脱去HX的反应如下:R-CH2-CHX-CH3-NaOH醇溶液->R-CH=CH-CH3+HX有机物A在 He insisted on going there insist on这里是不及物用法,那insist用在及物中,是不是,都是that 1、在绝热的定容容器内,发生反应:A(s)+2B(g)可逆符号C(g)+D(g),当下列物理量不变时一定能作为此反应达平衡的标志是A.混合气体的总物质的量浓度 B.混合气体的压强 C.混合气体的总 The pen which l bought yesterday is cheaper.拆分成两个句子 he bought _____ vase yesterday .A.a big new yelllow .B,a new big yellow C.a yellow big new可我觉得 应该是A呀, He bought a computer yesterday.(改为否定句) 帮我猜一个听力词汇类似于这个发音:race fer ration 有几道关于非谓语动词的题想拜托大家给讲一讲!1.Whom would you rather have 空 with you, him or me ?A to be gone B gone C going D go 为什么不选C啊2 A phone call sent him 空 to the hospital .A hurry B hurrying C to hur 谁能用最普通的话给我讲讲非谓语动词的用法,能系统讲一下么比如这些题:只是举个例子,______ from the top of the TV tower,you will find the city far more beautiful at night.A to see B seen Cseeing D see 小学六年级品社知识要点如何把握? Me. Brown didn't live there any longer. 改为同义Me. Brown didn't live there any longer. 改为同义句Me. Brown ___ ____ lived there.We were surprised that he won the first prize in the English competition.改为同义句___ r这个音到底怎么发啊? 怎么发r和l音 R&B 的 &发什么音 I live as happily as before 翻译 着急出去,雅思口语和阅读不好, 给点非谓语动词的讲解吧B级难度啊 非谓语动词的讲解 i very very very want I want a very simple as long as you are in 唱歌时的电子音怎么发出来的?在魏晨千方百计中和马天宇的爱不自己中,电子音是如何发出来的呢? 细讲,非谓语动词最好讲的细一些,最好讲到以下几点:1.不定式的用法2.动词不定式的省略3.动名词的用法4.动名词的复合作用5.分词的基本用法6.动名词作宾语和动名词不定试作宾语的区别讲 求详解,非谓语动词求详解_______ from her parents, she was left with her two young sisters--aged three and seven. A. Being separated B. Having been separated C. Having separated D. Had been separated how much does the book _____(值)用所给汉语的适当形式填空