
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 19:38:59
做英语四级模拟题有用吗,还有就是说说真题与模拟题的差别在哪, 用35厘米长的铁丝围成一个等腰三角形,已知腰和底的长度比是3:1,则腰长( )厘米,底长( )厘米. 求翻译:so every little that we do to help them survive is all to the good. 英语翻译这个是比尔盖茨的口头禅 A:Dad,you see,a cellphone is so useful nowadays.B:Absolutely.That’s a good point.请问怎么翻译 That’s a good point. How long does it take from your home to your uncles home?变陈述句 英语翻译请问以下英语句子要如何翻译和分析成分呢?It was no good to try for something that I knew at the start was out of reach because that only invited the bitterness of failure. She is ready to help_______.A.other B.others C.the other D.the others A friendly person is a man who is always ready to help____.A the others B others C other D another 7 He is able to do the work without _____help A the other’s B others’ C any others’ D other实战练习:1 She has two sons,___is a teacher,_____is an engineer A one,the other Bone,another C another,another Done,other 2You have seen one of the 什么歌赞颂母亲? 赞颂母亲的名言名句十分钟给答案 请《给我一支烟、》 It's ashamed of him to have got so much help from others but give__________ to society in return. Those in society who need ous help most are sick这句话中为什么用who ,不用which或that? As fortune will have it,there are people who need help in society.第一分句中的it代指什么呢?为什么 英语词组:俩词要是……就好了 谁今年英语四级听力能听的懂啊? can的过去式是什么? 练习英语4级真题听力为的是什么是为了练习常出的词么? 阮籍《咏怀诗》的思想感情 can的过去式是?please help me请详细点,谁的详细就用谁咯 “can”有过去式吗? can't的过去式是什么?最好还有before相对应词 有的再加悬赏 怎样才能集中注意力写作业 It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen该句为定语从局省略了“that”,我想问问在该句中能用“which”吗? It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen.为什麼faces要+S .it is one of the ugliest faces i have ever seen, 关于I have ever seenIt is the largest crowd I have ever seen.I have ever seen在这里是个什么用法?做什么语? lt is one of the ugliest faces l have ever seen.l have never seen _____. a an ugly one b an ugliestone c the ugliest one d anuglier one she is ().she can speak().a.an english; english b.england; english c.the english; the english 我想练习英语四级的听力,请大家推荐几部英文的电影或电视剧还有,大概要看多少?