
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 14:31:17
can you guss the meanings of the new words?为什么meaning用复数详细回答. Can you tell me the ________(mean) of the words?是填 meaning 还是填 meaningswords 不是复数么 为什么不用meaning的复数呢 玉堂春富贵分别是指哪些树木 我国社会主义市场经济具有的鲜明特征有哪些 Their answers are _exactly_ (exact) the same.PS:exact是形容词,这句话为什么用副词呀? I can feel the same exactly什么意思 咱地球的质量多少? him和think的读音是否一致?him think - -那个,各位不好意思撒~~我打错了划线部分都是i55555~~~~~~(>_ 用铁做桥的优势、是什么? 为什么不能用铁制大桥、铁里有气泡的原因 桥,最好又什么铁啊,铜啊,钢啊等等的? 采访结束后,对于成长的烦恼,你又有了哪些新的感受呢? Take either half ,they are exactly the same . --Which share is for me? --You can take__half.They are exactly the same.A.this B.any C.each D.either求详解,谢蛤~~ 第一遍涂料和第二遍涂料材料是否一样 you can take ____ half.They're the same side.A.each B.either C.neither D.every哪个选项是正确的 Which share is meant for me?You can take_half.They are exactly the same.a.this b.any c.each d.either 续写两个句子美是飘浮在蓝天上的几缕白云,美是依偎在山岗上的几点残雪 那个续写句子 The twins look much alike.much可用very换? The two boys look alike very much. They ___ be twins.A. mustn't B. can't C. must D. have to我选的是C, 但答案是B,答案是不是错了? Beijing is very clean and q_____and most people../. Compared with other works,the boss finds ,Hank is a satisfying work in his company为什么用compared而不是现在分词,这不是老板发现, 高二英语同义句转换:Nancy is special compared with other students in that she was awarded a medalby the university this year for her bravery.--Nancy____ ____ ____ ____being awarded a medal by the university this year for her bravery. 帮我用英语续写.80字.一对孪生姐弟,因为想看不同的节目吵起来了.小男孩把遥控器扔到桌子上,却砸到了小女孩的脚.下面英语续写. 邓小平在中共十二大开幕词中明确提出了()A.社会主义的本质问题 B.四项基本原则 C.社会主义初级阶段理论 D.建设有中国特色社会主义的命题 中共十二大上 邓小平提出什么理论 1982年1月11日,邓小平会见美国华人协会主席李耀滋时,首次提出“一个国家两种制度”的概念判断题,请问对吗,为什么 描写说话语气的成语 用"鼎"自写几个成语 英语中,8个单元音和20个双元音是什么? When ------- this city,I want to 这句话选什么 A mentioned B mentioning 还有 逻辑主语是谁?