
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 06:12:33
四氯化钛与氯气在高温条件下生成什么化学物质? word中占星相位符号怎么打,比如三分相,六分相这种,怎么打? 行星相位中的“会”是什么意思?很小白的问题.我知道“合、邢、冲、供等等”,就是不知道这个.我已经知道答案了,还不能关闭问题,真纠结~ La vida es siempre una 英语翻译音标['saiəns]What can I do for you?I want to buy a book on space ________['saiəns]. science['saiəns] 音标的's ,是s发的还是c发的啊RTs之后的c有时不发音么是真的么 相位不同但幅度相同的交流电压源并联个个负载供电会怎样? La Vida... Es un Ratico 歌词 La vida es un La vida es un juego是什么语言? I ate some delicious food 还是foodsFood单复数. Congratulations!Your friend 崔丹 has just received Your greetings! Now,I have nothing much ________(do).怎么填? I have nothing much (say用括号中的适当形式填空) wind power is an ancient source of energy to which we may return in the near future为什么用to which wind power is an ancient source of energine _____we may return in the near future关系词怎么填写 B______,David ate a lot of hamburgers and chips but he does not eat them now. my mother is well 对well 提问 同义句替换:What's that in Chinese?()the Chines ( ) that?翻译句子:那床被子是橙色的 在河南省国培计划中click 美国和苏联为主导全球化,冷战初期在欧洲展开怎样的争斗请言简意赅 查click 翻译click here 过去式中,“next day”需不需要变化?我记得有个时态叫“过去将来时”,在过去式中出现将来时需要变吗?需要变成过去将来时吗? China's opening-up policy is known the public all over the world应填as,to,for中哪一个 this is scientist whose name is known all over the world..(whose)起什么作用? CLICK HERE TO GET REGISTRATION 第1题 The two elements water is made are oxygen and hydrogen.A、that B、which C、of which D、with which 第2题 The crime was discovered till 48 hours later,gave the criminal plenty of time to get away.A、which B、that C、so D、what 第3题 改为同义句 water consists of hydrogen and oxygen water ____ ____ _____ ____hydrogen and oxygen注意有4格 Water__(contain)oxygen and hydrogen. 什么蔬菜含有微量元素我不知到? 什么蔬菜含镁最多 苹果手机外观是谁设计的?不要跟我说 Jonathan Ive ,Jonathan Ive 只是对苹果有小改动而已.我问的是苹果第一个手机外观是谁设计的! (首字母填空)Of course,there is no cars,but there are water buses on the main canals all day and(n____).