
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 17:26:47
I walked slowly through the market ,where people _all kinds of fruit and vegetables.i studied the prices carefully and bought what I need.A.sell B.were selling C.had sold D.have sold 答案是选B.为什么不选A I have two big ____.I go to school on _____.(foot) Can you ____(bring) an orang to ____(I)? I have two big triangles否定句、一般疑问句、肯定回答、否定回答、对two提问 I want use that serice,but I don't know what are you say. 孝公任用“卫鞅”的主要目的是什么? 材料一中“孝公用卫鞅”是指什么事情?孝公任用“卫鞅”的主要目的是什么? 商鞅时间:公元前几年,什么任用商鞅实行变法? they can sell their beef ()a high price in the market.A.in B.with C.at D.on 医疗洁净室?指的是什么呢 秦孝公是在那一年任用“卫鞅”变法的?急用“卫鞅曰:‘治世不一道,便国不法古.’故汤、武不循古而至王,夏、殷不易礼而亡.反古者不可非,而循礼者不足多.(秦)孝公曰:‘善’.以卫鞅 they always sell their clouths at a very__priceA.tall b.big C.high D.well 洁净室与洁净度是指什么? 哪位该翻译一下:The baby camel asked,“Mom why do have these huge three-tode feet? 改错1.They have nice hats in a very good price.2.Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing's great sell.3.Each of them like watching TV.4.The red shorts are on sale at 25 yuan.5.Please come and see for you at our store. 翻译一下Why do you have to be like others? 物理中UA是什么意思 20mA=___uA?20mA=___uA 一道初二物理浮力的题——如图所示是我国海军092级战略核潜艇由于核潜艇的续航力大,可以长时间用不着浮出水面,因而被称之为“水中幽灵”.如图所示是我国海军092级战略核潜艇,它潜入水 They go to the fruit section对they提问 干净的什么意思? (   )They feed kilos _____fruit_____the parrots every day.    A.of,to B.of,with C.for,foC.for,for Several prisoners escaped but they were____caught. 肯德基15元午餐从几点开始 肯德基午餐几点开始 古代针对女人的绳刑是哪个王八蛋想出来的? 十个男人和一个女人吊在悬崖边的一根绳子上,绳子只能承受十个人.十个男人和一个女人吊在悬崖边的一根绳子上,绳子只能承受十个人,必须要有一个人放手.女人说了一句话,十个男人集体松 将去美国,麻烦取个英文名我下个月去美国读大学,希望起个不错的英文名.我19岁,全名 李芳晨 女 个性开朗热情. Look ! they ____(play) chess .lets go and see .横线添什么 They are looking () the forest ,but they can't see anybody. 动物利用超声波能做什么 用绳索从悬崖上下来后我要怎么回收拿下绳子啊? 顺着绳子爬下悬崖后,绳子怎么回收?