
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:15:01
求函数f(x)=x3-3x-2 的单调区间和极值 谁这题该怎么做,着急, 描写勇敢的四字词语尽量多些,最好能配上( )的刘伯承这道题 用四字词语形容一个人勇敢 勇敢的站出来,写一个什么四字词语 勇敢的站起来换成四字词语 高一数学必修二,求第二问答案 状元之路高一数学必修二答案 有勇敢两字的四字词语 勇敢( )( )补充词语 x+y=5,xy=-3那么x,y是多少我的练习上就是这么写滴 x+y=5 xy=-3 x=?y=? 积分5-x/3x-2 dx 求解题过程 x+y=5,xy=-3.求x,y分别的值. 英语倒装句的用法请求详解时间紧迫,请求急援!在此先谢了. 请举几个英语倒装句的用法以及例子包括部分倒装与完全倒装,还有为什么要倒装 有关倒装句 讲下倒装句用法有关倒装句 讲下倒装句用法Only when you come back_____go out for food---(A)A.can I B.I can C.do I D.I will讲下倒装句的用法 1.i thirsty,i ----(想喝一些水).答案是want some water,为什么不可以加to,不是want to do 2.什么叫系动词,助动词,情态动词,实义动词?3.look at,look for,look like,look after 4.if we --not have strong body.A.are B.do C.don't 短文改错:Liu Mei is a schoolgirl.She lives in Hefei.She study in a middle school.Usually,she reads English.She likes read English and she is good at it.She have breakfast at five past seven.It's seven o'clock now.Liu Mei with her parents are havi 21.The reason ____ we should learn a foreign language is very clear.a.when b.that c.why d.which22.My new glasses cost me _____ the last pair that I bought.a.three times b.three times larger thanc.three times as much as d.as much three times23.The doc 英语倒装句.半倒装句用法!具体点 别让我看不懂 举些易懂得例子 英语强调句,倒装句结构用英文举例 英语中倒装句的构成? 高一数学 这道怎么判断奇偶性 The ticket is about 80dollars对画线部分提问 about 80dollars画线( )the ( ) ( ) the ticket?Turkey is good.Chicken is much better 合并为一句Chicken is ( ) ( ) ( ) turkey 英语语法的倒装句结构是怎样的 两道题, 不会!英语太差了!拜托了 3、4题 一次函数问题:如图,一次函数y=3x+6的图像与x、y轴分别相交于A、B,【详细请进】四边形ABCD是正方形,求点A、B、D的坐标 英语中的倒装句Never in my life _______ to Londons.A.have I beenB.I have been说的要保证对啊. 英语倒装句怎么写最好写写倒装句的例句, 第一道:Now the train service is very good.The trains are( )on time.第二道:Tim,do you think time is money?Yes,but I think it is ( )money. 1.His story (s ) me because it has a surprising ending.2.Life is full of joy and (u ) .希望能够得到正确的答案!再加一题He's the only child in his family .He's (e )to go a famous college in the future. 已知函数f(X)=X/(3x+1),数列{an}满足a1=1,a(n+1)=f(an),证明数列{1/an}是等差数列