
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 05:31:27
苏教版语文五年级上册天天练答案Please 几道英语题(单词填空)!1.The food my mom cooks i_____ delicous.2.My mother is out of j_____ ,so she stays at home every day. 几道英语题目--用所给的单词填空1.Peter likes matchbox covers. He has a large____(collect).2.The little boy is ____(interest)in model planes.3.The Spring Festival is as____(excite)as Christmas.4.Life is much____(difficult)for them than be 物流海运专用术语 有哪些学英语的手机软件? 现在学英语的手机软件哪个好? 英语都不好,现在学英语还来得及吗?该怎么学呢? 英语 14.there are no books on the shelf now同义句 there_____ _____books on the shelf now2.Why don't we go fishing?同义句______ go _______ ,shall we?或______ _______ going fishing?3.i shall take you to visit sunshine towm同义句i shall ____ 一个英语选择提If cloning technology fell into the wrong hands ,there could be far greater problems than coming face to face with( )you on the street some day.A offered B changed C paid D provided 英语翻译1 You cannot be put in prison if you_____ before the court.A haven't tried B haven't been tried C have been trying D have tried 英语翻译One of my children will have developed a strange illness that requires him to spend the remainder of the day in bed,calling me at frequent _________ to bring soup,juice and tea.A.intervals B.length C.gaps D.distance 问下矫情是什么意思 ? There are many books on the shelf ,but ___( no) of them is useful to him.(用 用have has there is there are 适当形似填空:( ) any books on the shelf Yes ( ) one 找出含有相同读音的单词或发音相同的字母或字母组合:what do you want to be,a worker or a waiter? 在"What do yuo want to be,a worker awaiter?中找到相同读音的单词在"What do yuo want to be,a worker or awaiter?中找到相同读音的单词 What other things do you want to do?(同义词替换)—— —— do you want to do? 英语填单词What do you r______ want to do? 选用适当的词填空:What do you want ____(to do,/).I want something to drink. 男生说自己矫情是什么意思?求大神帮助 英语选择 I would like to go,______,I think I'd better not.A .so B .because C.but D.however 英语选择 急 Everyone except Tom and John __ there when the class began.A,is B.are C.was D.were 你想学英语吗?不想学为啥还要学啊 为什么要学英语,既然学英语了为什么还要学中语?国家就不能统一吗?学两种语言压力好大. 她说他很矫情 矫情是什么意思? 我想要"人教版高中英语必修1、2、3、4、5,选修6、7、8的单词和课文的mp3".必修一第一单元开头第一个 survey必修五第一单元开头第一个 characteristic 关于济南的诗句三句关于济南景物特点后风土人情的诗句或名言,并注明作者谢啦~ 求形容泉城济南的诗句多多益善 学英语需要什么 我应该学英语不?我对英语有几分兴趣,可是英语对我来说是没用的.是自学英语的. 六年级新课程寒假英语作业答案RT