
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 09:16:44
一辆车从甲地开往乙地,9小时行了全程的七分之三,比剩下的路程少150千米.平均每小时行多远? 一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,9小时行驶了全程的3/7,比剩下的路程少了150千米.平均每小时行驶多远. 一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,在离中点16千米时,已行路程与未行路程的比是2:3,甲乙两地的距离是多少千米? The teacher and the students talk ____________ English ____________ class.A.in; in the B.in; in C.with; in the 求下列英语题目的答案及其语法1、The moment I got home ,I found I ___ my jacket on the playground.A had left B left C have left D was leaving 2、 Not until the motorbike looked almost new ____ repairing and cleaning it.A he stopped B di 英译中:We will go for picnic tomorrow if the weather is fine. 英语翻译古文翻译 文言文《朱元璋画像》的道理! 文言文朱元璋画像 成现代文 if the weather is fine tomorrow改成独立主格if the weather is fine tomorrow改成独立主格:the weather being fine tomorrow还是the weather to be fine tomorrow?为什么? 关于x的方程x+2(m+3)x+2m+14=0有两实根,并且一个根小于1,另一个根大于3,求m的取值范围.今晚就要,過時不候. 用所给词语的适当形式填空:please tell mother that I___ ___(do)do my homework now.如题, My mother often makes me do my homework after supper(改为被动语态)老师讲的是I often made to do my homework after suooer.但是为什么是made to do my homework不是make do sth. 方程x^2+(m^2-1)x+(m-2)=0的一个根比1大 另一个根比-1小 则m的取值范围是? 有谁知道描写春天的三首诗, my mother tell me to do homework 的中文意思和被动语态 有谁知道关于女人的诗词 Don't tell me how to do my homework .You-----(sounded\looked) like my mother. My parents often tell me to do my homework by_____(my)为什么 1、We haven't settled the question of whether it is necessary for him to study abroad.为什么这句是同位语从句而不是宾语从句,不是of后面跟的是宾语吗?2、(1)People in part of North China sleep on ______ they call "kang".(2)Th i was doing my homework while my mother (was cooking)为什么不填cooked i was doing my homework while my mother was cooking不是一个句子不能有两个动词吗?为什么两个was会同时出现? while my mother was cooking ,i ___ TV.A.was watching B.am watching C.watch D.watched While my mother was cooking,I was sleeping 这句话中While my mother was cooking有没有主语呢我的意思是如果不看后面那句 只看前面 while这个从句引导的就是个时间状语?所以前半句是没有主语的 I was doing my homework,my mother was cooking in the kitchenA While B When C AfterD Before 在句首填答案 保险丝熔断电流为什么是有效值?我的理解是:之所以用有效值,是电流产生热量达到一定保险丝才会熔断,而不是因为电流瞬间过大,熔断的原因是热量过大对吗 老是说曹操的儿子怎么了不起,其实就前面几个而已,后面的一堆废品,(25-6)/25=76%,根本不行啊.谁知道为什么?懂的说说 Every student should do their own homework.有一处错误,能帮我找出吗? Homework Homework,every student,every day,even every night,They all need think:Did I finish my homework?Different students have different thoughts about homework.According to a survey,parts of students all thought doing homework is necessary and usef 结冰了的电线还能传输电能吗? 电力机车怎样与电线传输电. Project 2010如何设置工期的单位“个工作日”为英文字母“d”