
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 22:39:40
两道,咋做? 两道都不会,咋做? ()的丝绸()的松树在括号填上恰当的词 潘多拉用英语怎么说 潘多拉用英语怎么拼? I think this one is difficult _____ that one. A. with B.from C. of D. for 从甲城到乙城,货车行完全成要10小时,客车行驶完要8小时,当客车和货车从甲乙两车同时相向而行,相遇时客车正好行了240公里,甲乙两城相距多少千米 词语填空:( )不顾( ) may i know who is ur name than.where u live.. 8.经过一定条件下的培养,馒头和橘子皮会长出各种霉菌,肉眼观察下,集中有一些带有( )色,就是青霉,带有( )色就是曲霉,如果挑取少量的,颜色较浅的有色部分做装片,在( )镜下观察可见 机场的大树为什么是歪的也就是风成偏形树的意思 已知等边三角形的三边长为根号三cm,求等边三角形面积 they harvest or (collect) in fall “得意洋洋”与“得意扬扬”是一样的吗?(或者说是哪一个是不对的) 潘多拉用英语怎么说(我要音标)! 小明学说话第一句说什么? 无穷级数(-1)^n*(lnn)^p/n (p>0)敛散性 对一句英语句子有疑问I find no compelling examples that this process is insufficient to explain the rich variety of life forms present on this planet.present为什么不加ing 在我看来presenting是修饰life forms的,不然后面就有ex 这两句英文句子有疑问Keep it up,Xie Lei,Chinese student fitting in well.为什么fit是ing形式Satisfaction guaranteed 怎么形容词放在名词后面 英语,完形填空,帮下忙 八国联军侵华路线与前几次帝国主义侵华路线相比有什么特点 完形填空·帮哈忙·急poisonous track down make up interior crisis hesitate in existence replace at ease leave to personality th 谁会完型填空 帮下忙Despite his best efforts,Schaecter could muster only sixty 31 for the chorus.Emaciated,they 32 on the small stage.Eichmann sat in the front row,33 in full Nazi regalia.The Jews looked the Nazi in their eyes,and their 34 sw 一篇初一英语完形~帮个忙呗 草头下一个念读什么 I don’t know the way ( )you treat the pet dog.A.whichB.in thatC.in whatD.不填答案是D为什么,具体点啊 什么是Embedded 一篇英语完形填空,谁知道做啊?根据首字母提示,有适当的词填空.The idea of owning his own house is very close to an Englishman's heart.He usually wants a home with five or six r__ and a garden ,And he is r__ to spend a good part y=sin2x+cos2x左移π/4个单位所得解析式?A.Y=cos2x+sin2xb:y=cos2x-sin2xc:y=sin2x-cos2xd:y=cosx-sinx 两个简单英语句子的问题so pretty girls they aresuch pretty girls they are.这两个,为什么第一个不对呢?还有,the heart breaking images were taken by lee.这个句子,我想heart breaking应该是做前置定语用来修饰images Don't remind me Don't remind me. Remind-Me-Later是什么意思