
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 20:10:43
准备出门旅游,哪里有卖好点的望远镜? - When shall we go to the museum,this afternoon or tomorrow morning?- ______ is OK.I’m free these days.A.Both B.All C.EitherD.Neither When shall we go to the museum the afternoon or tomorrow morning?__is OK.I'm free these days.A:Both B:All C:Either D:Neither Shall we visit the are museum?____.Let's go there tomorrow afternoon. 我想买一个望远镜和老公去旅游用的,不知道买哪种好,求介绍啊! 什么样的望远镜观鸟或旅游用比较好?我其实没什么太在要求,主要用于观鸟或旅游,但我想要个比较清楚的,比如1000米能看清楚10-15厘米左右的字,我的理想价位在500左右,当然再稍微贵些只要不 Jack 【watches TV】 every day.(对【 】部分提问) _____ _____ Jack _____every day? She Wants To Play 歌词 she likes her guests to feel at home...她希望客人不要拘束.like能换成hope吗 困惑不解的近义词 不解的近义词是什么 出去游玩选择几倍的望远镜最好 近义词 出去旅游的话,选择什么样的望远镜好一点? 疑惑的近义词用不解可以不? My fanther watches Tv every day.(对划线部分提问) —————— 你吃下午茶了吗英语怎么翻译 英国的下午茶 英语翻译 霍金用什么证明2个世纪地球会毁灭 霍金地球将在二百年内毁灭根据 霍金认为地球将在二百年内毁灭的根据是什么 He often plays football.But I like playing _____.______we play it _______. He likes his dog.He often()it at home.A.playB.playsC.play withD.plays with 会的英语老师回答1.Not until we got married did we know each other.和It wasn't until we got married that we knew each other.有什么区别?2.in case,for fear that,怎么用?3.as long as,on condition that,suppose/supposing,provided/providing, Tom and Gina (看)TV every day.题目里的(看)我是用 watch呢?还是watches?Tom and Gina 是单数第三人称主语吗?那如果用系动词的话 Tom and Gina 后面是不是用are 可是我们课本上有个对话 A:What color is it?B:It' 汤姆·费尔顿(Tom·Felton)的简介 Tom Felton是谁 谁比较支持Tom Felton?人家Tom多有才啊,能唱能演的支持Tom的回帖啊啊啊啊 She is busy _____________ (play) volleyball ____ she _____ (play) volleyball on Friday .所给词适当形式填空. Where_________Tom_______[go] the day after tomorrow?用所给词的适当形式填空