
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 02:08:01
这句是定语从句还是同位语从句The sport of basketball is a little over a hundred years old.It is played by more than 100 million people in over 200 countries including China,where basketball has been played in parks,schools,and even in fa 和外国网友聊天,英语不是很好怎么办? 和外国女网友聊天,英语不是很好怎么办?有话题聊,但是聊不起来.我的英语不是很好.有时候用机器翻译出来有点死板(特别像机器人)没感情.翻译器里通常是用的Excuse me..而大多数英文习惯 怎样跟外国的即时通讯网友聊天,英语的?最好英语不好他不烦? 图画文学是否属于儿童文学 单词拼写 He is not super man.There is nothing s_about him. 将下列句子改成否定句 1.My mother can play basketball. Dale can play basketball well.(改为否定句) wang wei can play basketball,too.(改为否定句)wang wei _ play basketball,_. 从古诗”欲穷千里目“句中任意选出两个字,然后分别用每个字组成四个含有该字的成语如果选”千“字组成语,“千.千.”和“千.百.”的形式只能出现一次 从“欲穷千里目”五个字中任选两个字,各组成四个含有该字的成语 从古诗句“千里江陵一日还”中任何一选出两个字,然后分别组成2个含有该字的成语.四个 我是成都的,我想找个外国朋友练练口语~ 我想找个外国朋友帮忙练习口语 口语好的朋友都可以 谢谢 我是狠下心来学英语了 请多多帮忙 求适合4-6岁幼儿阅读故事书 最好是图多字少的 发282588173@... 有“静如”两个字的成语 有"静,云"两个字的成语 风平浪静像这样带有()平()静的成语还有那些 哪里能下载带图画的儿童故事书 英语翻译Let's Go to the Mountain;My desire!I wish I would be your neighbour;My Sky,I wish you would be friendly to my heart;My friend,you are all I have,you are;I'll die for you,you're;I wish she knew how much I'm in love with her;If 最近有什么好听的英文歌吗?多推荐几首 求几首好听的英文歌要女声的. Is Linda an English girl?怎么回答 那个 后面的 第一个式子怎么化简过来的,一步一步划 Linda is an eighteen-year-old girl.改为同义句,Linda is a girl ___ ____. Linda is an eighteen-year-old girl同义句Linda is a girl_____ _____. 用be.going.to造句要有翻译 用connect造句并翻译 where is my mentor? what a fucking chrismas where is my surpris? be going to be动词需与主语在——和——方面保持一致 where is my fuck money?好像一部电影中有人说了这句话呢