
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 21:39:52
the Pyramid of the SUN 与the Palace of Five Arts怎么译 发达国家用英语怎么讲 太阳金字塔 THE PYRAMID OF THE SUN怎么样 发达国家和发展中国家列举几个,用英文都怎么说? 英语翻译帮我翻译1下啊 The Parthenon ,The Pyramid of the Sun ,The Golden Gate Bridge,Copacabana Beach.好像都是些旅游的地方, The story is ___(fun) 这里填fun 还是funny 它们有什么区别呢? where would you like to have dinner 读升调降调? 英语的一些问题,连词成句:1.for tickets for game the thanks football the2.like happy to it friends live make you here3.it kid easy a being new at isn't shool4.I you English a time helped learning having had until me was “五岳”是指我国那几座大山?他们分别在哪里?又有什么样的别称?说阿! catch the 中国是大山很多的国家.主要有哪几个体系(英语) play catch the I can catch the 我想取一个可爱的英文名字,虽然觉得中国人还是叫中文名字更好,但是有的场合还是需要提供英文名字的,但是我自己想不出来一个非常合适又好听的英文名,请在国外生活过(最好是美国)的 in city还是in the city 麻烦大家帮我取个英文名,女生我名字的粤语拼音是 Ching Shun,谁能帮我起个很这个音相近的英文名字 the city I live in 如何翻译 Make It In The City 歌词 Back in the City 歌词 岩性与岛屿高山之前的笔记上有这么几句话,可是记得不太清楚,现在看不懂了,大陆架上岩性疏松,物质上挺,在大陆架上形成岛屿,大陆架岩性硬,物质在大陆架无法上挺,在大陆行形成高山. 岛屿之国是? Wife怎么读 老婆除了WIFE还有什么单词啊? 在庄子的逍遥游中逍遥的含义和层次分别是什么? 庄子的现实意义可以先说一下全篇的主要内容[几句话].然后谈谈逍遥游的现实意义.重点在..现实意义 NYU is in and of the city ,in and of the world 应该怎么理解呢?我的意思是 怎么理解的?不是翻译..为什么说NYU 是 in and of the city/ world. 为什么鸟在天空中飞翔,而我们人类却不能呢?我有个问题.为什么鸟儿在天空中飞翔,而我们人类却不能呢? Great changes_______in the city and lots of factories_______have taken place have been set up 为什么前面的答案不用加been 后面的要 It is over a year since I last wrote to him.为什么前面不用完成时?It has been over a year . let me tell you an interesting story.After I __________ a small Village ____ Farmland of France.let me tell you an interesting story.After I __________ a small Village ____ Farmland of France ,I drove on to ____ village.moved,left,lived in ,.drove,ca 适当形式填空 let me -----(tell) you an interesting story.i know jim's is --------(arrive)next su适当形式填空let me -----(tell) you an interesting story.i know jim's is --------(arrive)next sunday.