
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 20:00:25
老人与海有什么现实意义呢 请问什么时候开始给我做系统? 村什么时候开始有的 英语考级什么时候开始 英语翻译One hero called HouYi,one day,he go out with his student!One student called PengMeng ,he knew that HouYi's wife,ChangEr,have sone thing that,can let people become immortal!PengMeng wanted to be a immortal,so he use a knife,and said to Cha 中秋节的来历英文版的翻译One hero called HouYi,one day,he go out with his student! One student called PengMeng ,he knew that HouYi's wife,ChangEr,have sone thing that,can let people become immortal! PengMeng wanted to be a immortal,so he u 写出一句鲁迅的名言 .(2.詹天佑是我国 的爱国工程师.课文从 、 、 三个方面叙述詹天佑主持修筑京张铁路的过程.他根据居庸关、八达岭不同的山势创造性地设计了 、 两种施工方法.作为一 用一句名言评价一下鲁迅,并在写一句写过的名言 写母爱的诗歌自己写的,不要复制400字左右 We have a lot of rules in our school.___ ___a lot of rules in our school.改为同义句 we have kept a lot of history books in our school library.(改为被动语态)A lot of history books ____ ____ kept in our school library. Children in our school have a lot of s___every day. We have to c______a lot of books in our school bags every day. 中秋节的由来(英语)简短点,最好附有汉语意思. 情人节礼物,情人节送女孩什么礼物?我们打算明年情人节结婚的,今年2014情人节送什么礼物合适? computers have changed our life初三英语作文,60字左右What was your life like before computers were widely used?What changes have computers brought to your way of life?What do you think of these changes? We have sixty students in our class.___of them are girls.A.two third B.two three C.second third D.two thirdsand why?为什么?(A.B.C.D.均没有连字符号"-") 一台拖拉机3.5小时耕了一块地的九分之七.照这样计算,耕完这块地还需要多少时间? There are all kinds of c_____ in our life,let's face them bravely.空处填什么?这句话的意思?I'm going to act in Jackie Chan's new movie.-Congratulations!You are really____.A.a lucky dog B.a black sheep C.a white elephant该选哪个?He—— 一台拖拉机3.5小时耕了一块地的九分之七.照这样计算,耕完这块地还需要多少小时? in our life,we have less to worry about为什么这里用less不用fewer,这是完形填空题.我们担心更少的事,事不是可数名词吗 一台拖拉机三小时耕了一块地的九分之七,照这样计算,还需要多长时间才能耕完这块地 英语翻译Waaaaaaaaaaaa...(1-2) Oooooohhhh.Looks like I’m gonna do everything myself,Maybe I could use some help,But hell,if you want somethin’ done right?You got to do it yourself.Maybe life is up and down,(up) My life’s been what ti 棱长为1的正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,M、N分别是线段BB1,B1C1的中点,则直线MN到平面ACD1的距离为RT 英语翻译we live in computer ; put in ; put on ; put up ; future of trade ; industry ; role ; basically ; compares ; tracks ; distance ; It takes sb.some time to do sth.; It + adj.+ for sb.+ to do sth.; teenagers ; drawal ; arricle ; You don't nee 在长方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,M、N分别是棱BB1、B1C1的中点,若∠CMN=90º,则异面直线AD1与DM所成的角为?用向量法。 英语翻译much more different. 正方体ABCD—A1B1C1D1中,E,M,F为棱B1C1,C1D1和B1B的中点,试过E,M作一平面与A1FC平行. 英语翻译Dear Friend:You are lovely and dilizent.So everybody likes to make friends with you.Everyday you bring happinen to everyone.When I was in school your smile alwaysn occur to me.I hope everyday there is a big smile on your face.Smile everyd 正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,点E,F,G,H,K,L分别是AB,BB1,B1C1,C1D1,D1D,DA各棱的中点求DB1与平面EFGHKL所成角的余弦值要具体的过程用空间向量做 翻译一下哈 什么时候你最激情?貌似是那时候