
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 21:16:10
Don't mention it.和 That's all right.纠结中—I'm sorry I didn't make it to your party last night.—________.I know you're busy these days.A.Of course B.No kidding C.That's all right.D.Don't mention it.可是C和D不是都可以回答道歉和 ∫1/(x^2-9) dx 在区间【0,9】的值是什么?因为9不能取,所以要设b=9,然后求lim b--9(∫1/(x^2+9) dx )的值,后面我就解不出来了 DX9.0是什么啊 it rains much同义句是什么It rains.It rains , . , much rain.逗号是空格表示一共两个空。句号后为另一句话。 ∫上b下0|X|dx=( ),b0答案分别是什么,求详解, ----thank you for giving me the great present A.don't mention it B.that's all right Working for him was more than a little tiring, 下面的英语句子中as怎样理解?Please see highlight with red parts as attachment with SA4013.意思是:请看电子邮件的附件(.xls)中有红色背景的有关SA4013这个产品的部分.这个句子有问题吗?如果没有,在这里 英语作文When in China,do as the Chinese do70词英语作文,九下英语RB的作文 请帮我用下列英语单词造句子.每个一句就好..why not do used to do such as go skiing they(所有格) are not(缩写) let's(完整形式)按要求改变词形. can not (改为缩写形式).they are(改为缩写形式) 死海位于那里 为什么夏天,太阳和月亮会同时出现在天空中呢? 太阳和月亮会同时出现在天空中吗. catch sb by the 请用catch the eye of sb.造句 would you like to come 的意思 catch sb.cheating in him的中文是什么? a terrible accident took place at 10yesterday evening 为什么took place不能用was happening/还有为什么是 as careful as sb.而不是as carefully as sb.英语中也有 they happen的句型?不是sth to sb.i think you ____go now.为什么不 Someone must have turned on the light without your notice的被动语态 有forbid sb from doing sth的吗? 英语翻译我感觉 forbid sb to do sth 是去禁止某人还没开始做的一件事,比如 my parents forbid me to somke.( 我之前没抽过烟) 而 forbid sb from doing sth 是我这个动作已经开始了,或正在进行中,比如 my pa forbid sb from doing sth造句 如题,有没有forbid sb doing sth 这是谁的书?英语怎么说这书包是大明(daming)的.这裙子是她的.这T袖是他的.小红的洋娃娃很脏 “书”用英语都有哪些说法. 怎样让一个女生精神上肉体上都痛苦我爱她,她不爱我 四箱书的英文说法 使肉体和精神上都受痛苦,描述的是那个成语阿? 精神上的折磨真的可以胜过肉体上的吗?…