
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 00:28:51
He decided ? the best vacation place in to on for 解释一下,谢谢He decided ? the best vacation placein to on for解释一下,谢谢 你是我的曾经,我是你的以后! 你是我的阿凡达, 连词成句,a,place,best,the,park,is,go,to(.)is,really,whole,the,made,story,up(.)that,please,book,to,give,me(.)the,world,tea,drink,all,people,do,around(?)have,I,like,baskerball,of,a,hobbies,lot(.)they( )( )( )( )(发挥了重要作用)at last.His A park is the best place _ kites.A.fly B.to fly C.flying 女孩对男孩讲,你是我的亲人,男孩很爱那个女孩,女孩对男孩很依赖,只是什么友情还是爱情?只要我们在一起,都是手拉着手的,不管在什么地方,手都没有放过,而且牵的很紧很紧!很自然,没有一 爱你是我的劫难 【你是我的小呀小苹果,怎么爱你都不嫌多】这句话到底是什么意思啊? 你是我的love sun 啥意思. 初中生活日记,200字,最好多一点,好的 如图,正比例函数y=x与反比例函数y=k/x交于点A,从A向x轴、y轴分别作垂线,所构成的正方形的面积为4.(1)求出反比例函数的解析式.(2)求出正、反比例函数图象的另外一个交点D的坐标.(3) 从反比例函数y=k/x(k>0)的 图象桑一点分别作x轴,y轴的垂线段,与y轴,y轴所未成的矩形的面积为12,那么函数解析试? 你是我的菜, “你是我的菜”是指的是什么? 你是我的菜是嘛意思 this is the best place __I have ever visited all my lifeAwhich Bthat Cwhere Dwhen请讲明理由能讲一讲关系代词关系副词区别吗 我的公主在哪里英文怎么说 证明:不论x取何值,多项式(12+7x+6x^2-x^3)-(x^3+5x^2+4x+3)+(-x^2-3x+2x^3-4)都为常数 已知集合A={x|3x-7>0},B={x|x是不大于8的自然数},C={x|x≤a,a为常数},D={x|x≥a,a为常数},求A∩B 爱因斯坦对物理学滴贡献有哪些? this kind of computers are very good,they_____ well and _____ already.A.are sold...have sold out B.sold...had been sold out C.are sold...have been sold out D.sell...have been sold out .这题为什么会选A They have played this song already,haven't they?的翻译 have no business doing/to do,请解释一下下题为什么不选CYou have no business ____ to me the way you did the other day.A.to be talked\x05 B.being talked \x05C.to talk \x05 D.talkingActually he had no business to give you any orders at all.Yo have no business是什么意思知道得请告诉我,谢谢还有一道 forever可以用什么替换A from the time begining B rigrt now C in a hurry D for good 简述数据链路层功能简述 have no +名词+doing还是todo 简述四等水准测量在一个测站上的读数据的观测程序 have no business being alive / to be have no business being alive 简述osi由低到高层次名称及相应的数据传输单位考试急用 --the cloth is of good quality ,and ____well.-----but the washing machine ____this morning.a.washes ; wouldn't start started c.is washed;won'tstart在选项中,说出不选的原应我基础不好谢谢哦! 目标系统体系结构规划:应用表达层、商务逻辑层和数据层.应用表达层,商务逻辑层和数据层具体指什么? The quality of the shoes is ____ and sells____(well,good)