
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 16:33:39
12593打国际长途如何收费? —Sorry,I have to _____ now.It's time for class.—OK,I'll call back later.A.hang up B.break up C.give up D.hold up -Sorry,I have to___now.It's time for class.-Ok ,I will call back later.A.hang up B.give up 我选的是B,是错误的.为什么错?答案A为什么是对的? 孔子生活在两千多年前的( ),是伟大的( )家 今天我的为什么还要几年生活于两千多年前的孔子呢? 怎样学英语..能爪起来吗 我们为什么还要纪念二千多年前的孔子 今天我们应该如何纪念孔子 这双浅紫色的雨鞋用英语怎么说 下雨天穿的雨鞋的英文怎么讲 拖鞋,雨鞋,凉鞋,100.50.35用英语翻译出来 This kind quilt ______ smog A.called B.names C.is called D.is like要理由,答案肯定是A或C,其他人说是C,不理解过去分词短语做后置定语是什么意思,和被动语态有什么两样 interesting presentcation ,this kind of application software is called presentation graphics请好心人帮我翻译一下英语. 时尚雨鞋好还是防雨鞋套好? Sam is unhappy() his English填什么介词再翻译一个句子:不要把你的书包留在教室里 用适当的介词填空.___the heip of Jenny,I can speak English very well. 我想知道欧洲债务危机为什么会发生,以及欧洲对此事的态度,对世界的...我想知道欧洲债务危机为什么会发生,以及欧洲对此事的态度,对世界的影响是什么,请用通俗的词汇去描述, 欧洲债务危机爆发的原因?欧洲债务爆发原因是什么?为什么会首先在希腊爆发?扼要回答 (不要大段复制 看着头痛 THANKS) 欧洲的债务危机是怎样产生的?、 ----------- how do you call this kind of flowers ?----------sunflowers what kinds of flowers还是 what kind of flowers flame什么意思 Eternal Flame中文意思是什么? They have pens,pencils and notebook ( ) veryThey have pens,pencils and notebook ( ) very good prices 用所给短语的适当形式填空hear about, take place, get out of, on the phone, take away, be good at.The contest _______ every two years.Dad,the phone is ringring.I guess either you or Mom is wanted ______.They walked home 用所给的短语的适当形式填空feel like ,come along ,help~with~,get along ,be good at 1.the two little girls ________-- very well with each other 2.my mother said she didn't ________ eating anythink 3.--- can you ______ your sister _______ h 你在看那孤独的风景 王、运、和杰字的拼音怎样写的. 1.“杰”字的潮汕话拼音是什么? 2.潮汕话有哪些字和“杰”字谐音? in the light of怎么理解 The price of this book is 15 yuan .对15yuan提问.