
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 06:52:55
with in的区别All the students must come to school___uniforms.A.wear B.with C.in D.on正确答案是C,但我一开始选B,为什么表示穿什么衣服时不能是with?不是只有加颜色时才用in吗? …in with和with in的区别有助于回答者给出准确的答案 还有with 和 in 的区别 very evening是什么意思? 稀土这种物质我想了解.其作用在哪方面?中国当前利用状况怎样? 中国稀土元素目前状况如何?滥开采管得怎样? 我国的稀土目前的形势怎么样啊? You are my baby,but I feel you to my care,you know? how many oranges are there是什么意思 How many oranges are there in the picture?日什麼意思? When I want back to you, you have not discovered the origin 帮忙翻译下呗? I want to take back what has been lost One day i'm telling you i find a way to get back to 是一句歌词. want to be by your side.dear mum do you like to sleep on your back,side,stomach or what? 手直接伸进蒸笼里去拿馒头时感到很烫是因为水蒸气()时要()热;若先在手上沾些凉水,就不会感到烫了.这是利用了() My favourite food is vegetables.的问句 My favourite food is PiZZa 是什么意思?O(∩_∩)O谢谢 关于《My Dream》的作文 Good teachers such as Mr.Chen____always kind to students.用is还是are? Because my brain isn't good ,always can't find the way to happiness. 电路工作时,为什么电线会很烫,铜丝却不烫呢? Can you imagine life without electricity?这句话的意思,翻译! Without electricity,human life ____quite difficult today. A.isB.will beC.would have beenD.woould b为什麽? 28.Without electricity,human life ________ quite different today.A.is B.will be C.would have正确答案给的是D 我知道这是虚拟语气 但是without后面谓语不是要接would have done麽 为什么是D选项呢 英语3.Without electricity human life _______ quite different today.3.Without electricity human life _______ quite different today.a.is b.will be c.would have been d.would be 为什么 Without electricity human life ____ quite different today.A.is B.will be C.would have beenD.would be可是为什么呢? Well,Mum is b____.she needs to cook supper foe us. 同意句转换:My cousin borrowed a dictionary from me yesterday123456 Take a biscuit中用动词代替take My cousin borrowed a dictionary from me yesterday的同义句 换种说法表达下列句子:my cousin borrowe a dictionary from me yesterday