
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 00:48:39
Directions:There are 10 blanks in the following passage.One of the most enjoyable jobs I’ve ever done was when I was a student.When you hear what it was you may be a bit shocked,but _____66__________ I know it sounds unpleasant,I can assure you tha 李师傅要做一个底面直径2分米,高9分米的圆柱形通风管,至少需要多少平方分米的铁皮? 写作文,具体的在下面写一篇作文,该作文要体现出“逆境出人才”的道理,其中要有实例.给我个题纲,还要范文,写的好给额外的积分哦!还有,星期天下午以前给我答案. 动物牛或者羊的奶子能食用吗? “他宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和她吵架”用英语翻译 用上(would rather) 什么动物能为幼崽产奶(具体动物) 英语翻译1、似乎要下雨了,我宁愿呆在家里而不愿去购物.2、我的同学喜欢卡通超过电视剧(TV plays).3、我们吃光了所有的食物,现在冰箱里什么也不剩了.4、我们中没有人知道新公园在哪里.5 Write a passage about Li Hua with the information below.的意思 when before 用哪个 do not forget to wash your hands---you have meals 在暗室中点燃一支蜡烛靠近墙边,用手电筒照火苗可以发现火苗的影子吗?为什么 把一个不透明的圆柱体放在桌上,旁边点上一支蜡烛,会在桌上投下清晰的影子.如果使蜡烛的个数增加,则发这个原理可以制成什么样的光源 把一个不透光的物体放在桌上,旁边点一支蜡烛,会在桌上投下清晰的影子旁边点上一支蜡烛,会在桌上投下清晰的影子.如果使蜡烛的个数逐渐增加,则发现影子不见了,它的原理是什么?人们根据 send that letter to we need to send a message to our patients that we just like tnem 的汉语义意思 we need to send a message to our patients that we are just like them的汉语意思 would rather后可以直接跟名词吗? would rather_____加什么 全点谢谢 妈妈我爱你希腊文怎么写,或者拉丁文 .要正确的~ 如何区分“studying abroad”和“study abroad”studying abroad 和study abroad都可以作为题目吗?这两个短语怎样区别? 冰天雪地裸体跪求!谁能帮我写一下这篇文章的总结.英文版的.关于Study abroad的非常感谢.特别急.Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries.Why do some students study abroad?Use spe study abroad 的用法study abroad中study 作为名词,abroad是副词,为什么副词可以修饰名词? can you think of three girl's names?write them down. 1 A_____,the story itself is good 2You should read some_r____before you buy things online yin凉的yin怎么写 姓yin ? yin怎么写的? ____(阅读)for some time every day is good for you求解read要不要加ing啊 be good to,some times,some time 的用法是什么? 试根据地球表面处的重力加速度g和第一宇宙速度v1,估算地球半径R要写估算式, Please briefly describe the American holidays.120 please describe the characters of list数据结构英文题意思是:描述线性表的特点。是用英文,尽量简短 please describe chinese culture in foreigner’s eyes.thank you! Please describe the regulation of Trp operon.