
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 05:21:27
Wendy and Betty ( )swimming. 选择题 A.like B.likes C.like to急 签署的意义 My classmate often talk about the coming match对 the coming match提问 They are talking about the wonderful match(对the wonderful match提问) the boys are talking ____( loud) about the football match tom is talking with jim about football match 同义句 tom and jim talking with _ _ about football mat 多用表使用后应该把开关调到哪一档 为什么 We got mad ( )the team for losing the match.A at B in C on D about 多用表使用完毕,为什么务必将量程选择开关拨到最大电压量程处?如题 万用表盘上各符号的意义及各个旋钮和选择开关的主要作用. 多用表使用完毕后,应将选择开关置于欧姆最大档,以防表头烧坏,这句话正确吗?为什么? 已知△ABC的三个内角ABC所对边长分别为abc,三点A(0,0)B(a+c,a-b),C(b,a-c)共线,则∠C=? the students are talking ( ) the teacher ( ) their weekends.A.to,to B.about,about C.to ,about The students are talking about their weekends改成问句 ___are the students talking about? The students are talking about the cartoon b_____ciass.横线上填什么?为什么? The students are talking about their weekends改成问句_____are talking about their weekends?还有就是_____ are the students talking about?急 The students are talking about the cartoon b------- class. 已知△ABC的三个内角∠A,∠B,∠C满足关系式∠B+∠C=3∠A,则此三角形( )A一定有一个内角为45° B一定有一个内角为60°C一定是直角三角形 D一定是钝角三角形 已知向量P=(2,-3)q=(x,6)且pllq则lp+ql的值为 已知向量p=(2,1,-3),q=(x,2,6)且P垂直q,则|p+q|= 在△ABC中,已知C=2B,A≠B,试求△ABC的三边满足的关系式 已知向量a=(-1,2),b=(1,-1),c=(3,-2),且向量c=pa+qb,则p,q的值分别为 已知a,b,c是ΔABC的三边,且满足关系式a^2+c^2=2ab+2bc-2b^2,试说明ΔABC是等边三角形 The twins are talking about the book Who MovedThe twins are talking about the book Who Moved My Chess. It's fun to ____ them.是选join 还是join in 为什么. 已知点P(-2,3),点Q(4,y)且|向量PQ|=10.则y的值为多少 The twins are talking about the book who moved my cheese. It is fun to------.A.join B.join in C.take part in D.enter急求大神解答,请说明为什么,谢谢! The twins are talking about the movie Assembly(集结号).It's fun to ____ them.A.join B.join in C.take part in D.enter The twins are talking happily about_____to go for the coming holiday(填适当的连词) There1.The twins are talking happily about_____to go for the coming holiday.(填适当的连词) 2.There is nothing left in his car是否定句还是肯定 The twins are talking about the book Who Moved My Cheese 中Who Moved My Cheese不是定语从句是吗 已知:三角型ABC的周长为12,三边a.b.c满足关系式b-a=c-5,c-2a=1,求a.b. △ABC的三边满足a-1=b,b-1=c,则b的取值范围是_______,若△ABC的周长为12,则b=________. 已知ABC中,角A.B.C所对的边分别为a.b.c且√3cos(A+B)/2=sinC,.ABC的周长为12求ABC面积的最大值