
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 22:17:51
什么情况下用现在分词作伴随状语这种形式呢?例如 she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children into it,covering them with all the clothes 这里为什么要用这种形式呢 如果我改成这样she turned a suitcase into 正方形边长6厘米,长方形长12厘米,宽4厘米,组合图形中阴影部分面积是多少平方厘米? 线性代数矩阵求解,选择题,谢谢 一道 已经私下发给你了~ 线性代数选择题3和4,为什么? 有一个长8,宽6的长方形与边长为8的正方形,如图放置在桌面上(阴影是图形的重叠部分).求这两个图形盖住桌面的面积. the students clean the classroom every daythe classroom ______ _______ ______the students every day if n is a positive integer,how many of the ten digits from 0 through 9 could be the units digit of n^3? The student____(clean)the classroom every day 有关现在分词作状语Since 1960 the amount of municipal waste being collected in America has nearly tripled,reaching 245m tonnes in 2005.在这个句子中,“reaching 245m tonnes in 2005”是不是作状语成分呢?它与主句之间是什 1.5个人围着一个圆桌的5个位置坐,相对位置相同的坐法算1种,问有多少种不同的坐法?2.If L1的斜率 x是一个大于0小于1的小数,它的十分位上的数字是非零的吗?(1)16x是个整数(2)8x是个整数A.(1)充分,(2)不充分B.(2)充分,(1)不充分C.两个条件合起来才能解决D.两个条件均单独充分E. a2+b2-a2b2-4ab-1 原计划在雕塑周围用若干花盆未成一个4层的空心方阵,但是为了美观,最后决定将花 国庆节前夕街心雕塑的四周用204盆鲜花围成了一个每边三层的空心方阵,求最外面一层每边有鲜花多少盆? 国庆前夕在街中心雕塑的周围用204盆鲜花围成了一个每边三层的方阵求最外面一层每边有鲜花多少盆20 怎么解 学校用花盆摆一个三层空心方阵,最里层每边有14盆,摆这个方阵用多少 A certain quantity is measured on two different scales,the R -scale and the S-scale,that are related linearly.Measurement on the R-scale of 6 and 24 correspond to measurements on the s-scale of30 and 60 respectively.What measurement on the R-scale co GMAT Each of the integers from 0 to 9,inclusive,is written on a separate slip of blank paper and the ten slips are dropped into a hat.If the slips are then drawn one at a time without replacement,how many must be drawn to ensure that the numbers on t GMAT数学还难啊? Gmat数学难度 gmat数学疑问1、 in city x last April,was the average(arithmetic mean) daily high temperature greater than the median daily high temperature?(1) in city x last April,the sum of the 30 daily high temperature was 2,160°(2) in city x last April,60% 同义句Students should clean their classroom every day.The classroom __ __ __ __ students every day. 形容词作状语与现在分词有什么区别 小学五年级数学题,求过程,给好评 把主动语态改成被动态students must clean their classriom every day (x的平方+15x+20)(x的平方+13x+20) 因式分解 The students clean the windows every day(改为被动语态) 很害怕自己怀孕了懂得来告诉我好吗 现在分词做状语的问题— The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.在这里studying是现在分词做目的状语还是伴随状语啊,另外这里可以改成:The woman biologist stayed i a2b2-4ab+2=1-a2-b2求a+b 第三题的第三道