
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 03:51:04
Our teacher is standing in_____of the people in the room. saw in space his father and he proud of yang liwei's was son very him急! They smashed the window.改为被动语态 saw in space his father and he proud of yang liwei's was son very him帮我连一下急! 用win造被动语态句子各位大哥大姐们..神童、天才们帮忙想想win到底怎么造被动语态句子.. of,proud,son,Yang liwei’s,was,very,him 排列 连词成句:saw,in,space,proud,him,of,father,his,was very,he,and,he(.) proud was He very of him怎样组成句子 请问英国的别称“小店主的国家”用英语怎么说啊?到底是哪个啊?我都晕了,谁能给点权威性的~ 他有个外号叫做飞人,用英语怎么说 英文名字“亚伦”用英语怎么说? I got lots of time对么,为什么没有have却用got YOU WILL ALWAYE BE MY ONLY I,I want to go,I want to run,run to the places that I can be这是首 DJ舞曲名字是什么呀? what the teacher and the students want to say is that either of the countries () beautiful专家,为什么答案是is ,either...的结构不是就近原则吗? 英语翻译中文意思 —What is your principal like?—He is tall and think. They are cleaning the window改成否定句 Tom was very fat before.Now he is thin.He is___than he was. 还有别的名言警句跟它意思相近警句:人生伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。 写意思相近的名言 欧洲有多少个申根国?哪个申根国的签证最好办? 和欲速则不达意思相近的名人名言 欧洲目前有多少个申根国?分别是? 欧洲 哪几个个国家不是申根国 I cleaned the floor改被动语态 You believe that?How ( )you are! 改写句子(保持原意不变)We have lots of time .(保持原意不变)We have lots of time .We are _____ _____.只能填两个单词在空格里. 当老外问你how are you时,如果你说今天一般般要怎么说? You believe that?How________(fool)you are! 有什么莲花落