
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 16:26:14
第二次工业革命以后,资本主义世界继续发展,是通过什么方式发展的?很不和平吗?这段时间资本主义世界有什么变化? 这个植物叫什么?怎么养啊,在水里生长吗?是不是得要营养液呀? When I felt tired and boring ,my mother ---(is)always----(encourage) me 答案是was和encourageingis 和encourages My mother is wearing a purple dress.(改为同意句) MyMy mother is wearing a purple dress.(改为同意句)My mother is_____ _____ _____ _____. 一个非谓语动词选择题The fire _____at last night is still seen______now.A.breaking,burning B.had broken,burning Ben asked mother .‘Where did you buy my cloth Ben asked mother wher--- ---- his cloth 以知关于x的方程ax²+bx+c=0的一个解是-1,试求│a-b+c-2010│的值 英语翻译The purpose of this computer virus code of ethics is to show commitment towards ethical computing,to promote safe and secure computing,to set ethical standards by which we can judge each other,and to provide leadership among computer user What is title of the passage? What is the writer's purpose in writing the passage?这个句子里,in怎么理解?是否可以换成of?全句的句子结构怎么理不明白?请帮忙说明. 如图是表示气体微粒的示意图,图中“○”和“●”分别表示两种不同的原子,则表示混合物的是 ( )A.①④ B.②③ C.①③ D.②④ what is the purpose of life 第26高三历史大题一道. 氮-高一化学题目 0分 将分别充有下列四种混合气体(每组中两气...将分别充有下列四种混合气体(每组中两气体均为等体积)的集气瓶倒扣在盛有足量水的水槽,待液面平稳后,按剩余的气体 42+3x等于几 列方程式解答 快, 英文译成中文(书69,70)第一:Both signs said that the boy was blind.But the first sing simply told people to help by putting some money in the hat.(另外这里的 by 如何译?) 第二:[Fun in the sun ] Sunscreen may look fun 如图,在四棱锥P-ABCD中,底面ABCD是正方形,PA⊥平面ABCD,E是PC中点,F为线段AC上一点.试确定定点F在线段AC上的位置,是EF‖平面PBD,并说明理由 如图,在四棱锥P-ABCD中,底面ABCD是正方形,PA垂直平面ABCD,E是PC中点,F为线断AC上一点.求证:BD垂直EF; 写出单词正确形式:Her mother left very ____(无力的)after she became ill.如上,i继续】】】My brother is old enough to take care of _____(he).We live in a ___(wonder) world with a lot of amazing things.He _____(quick) ate everythi 负2到底是不是偶数? 负2是偶数么?替儿子问的 Maria knows only a little Chinese,so she ______ speak it.A.often B.usually C.always D.seldom her cosin knows french and chinese A.a few B.few C.a little D.many 物理题~~~~请求过程 My friend Jane knows only() Chinese.A.few B.a few C.little D.much我觉得应该填a little,但是选项里没有,如果后面的chinese不是中文,而是中国人的话,是不是可以有其他选项会合适呢? 请求一条物理题某潜水艇浸没在水中,匀速下沉.(1)那么这时浮力和重力是不是一对平衡力?为什么?(2)如果是平衡力,为什么不是悬浮?如何实现匀速下沉?请问有动力加持是什么意思? 一道物理题,求过程,谢谢! 初中数学新课标答案p55—p60 今天回答 (2/2) (2)求过P点的圆C的弦的中点的轨迹方程. 作文,别以为我什么都不懂 最小的偶数是0还是2?