
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 09:19:07
遍体鳞伤,心死了,从今往后再也不在爱任何人了.用英语怎么说. 再接哪厉、囫囵吞枣、牵肠挂肚、与众不同、别出心裁、不屈不挠、诗情画意、悲欢离合、那字成语是反义词.再接再厉、囫囵吞枣、牵肠挂肚、与众不同、别出心裁、不屈不挠、诗情画意、 for a time是一度的意思吗?后面直接接一般过去时吗?比如I thought he was a doctor for a time.我一度认为他是个医生?可以这样吗? 我们老师说worked用在一般过去时 后加一段时间for.能表示延续到现在的动作.为什么?Linda worked for the same company for twenty years.Does she still work there?答案是yes,为什么? Don't worry.your sister will come to see you__next month.A.sometimeB.sometimesC.some timeD.some times May,don't t____ here and there,or your hands will be dirty. May,don't t____ here and there,or your hangs will be dirty. Thanks中文是什么意思 水不停(~) 为什么上游的水总是流个不停? 一般过去时后接一段时间可以不加for吗 水皆缥碧,千丈见底.游鱼细石,直视无碍.简要分析句子的写法 形容水飞快,不停地流 you raise me up需要郑淳元的音频文件 歌曲you raise me upWestlife 的you raise me up 音调很高吗,好唱不? What do you think of the lecure of Li Yang's Crazy English?-I think it's _______ ,but someone thinks it's much too _____.A.wonderful enough,bored B.enough wonderful,boring C.wonderful enough,boring D.enough wonderful,bored ever能否与一般过去时连用 刚看到你有老友记的中英字幕的,最近通过老友记学英语,没有可以下载的. 谁那有老友记双字幕的,能不能发我下呢,我想学英语. It's better to avoid ____downtown during the rush hour.[A] to drive [B] having driven [C] to be driving [D] driving It’s a good idea to avoid public transport during the rush hour怎么变同义句 明明伤的遍体鳞伤,却还要伪装坚强 的英语 我担心(恐怕)会损坏它(破坏它) 英文怎么讲I'm afraid to destroy it 另外 我可能会损坏它 怎么讲 老友记到哪去看搜狐影音的老友记版权到期了,现在老友记要到哪去看啊? thanks 这是什么意思啊? 老友记在哪能看 Thanks的意思是?再换种说法是? 我正在听老友记第一集 帮我看看我这样听好吗?我英语不怎么样.刚刚起步自学,现在就音标学的差不多了点.词汇量什么的,少的可怜.我现在是自学,没事的时候用MP3听老友记他们说话这样对我 —What do you think of the American singer Lady Gaga?为什么选c,请说明原因,—What do you think of the American singer Lady Gaga?\x05\x05—Too crazy,but if she ___ come to China to hold concerts,I would buy tickets for her live show.\x05\ 【求助】《大学英语 听说》2 (总主编 董亚芬)听力原文!上海外语教育出版社ContentsUnit 1 Telephoning(I)Unit 2 Telephoning(II)Unit 3 Giving Advice(I)Unit 4 Giving Advice(II)…………急!等到明早8: 大学英语第三册电子教案 主编 董亚芬 Leave nothing to do with love