
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/17 01:53:01
所有的 fruit 例如:apple 苹果 越全越好 初一英语提高的方法.我的英语老是在90分左右徘徊,这种感觉让我很不爽,好像是突破不了的瓶颈一样.请问要怎么样做才能使我英语提高?起码要到94分,给我一个训练计划,如积累单词,课外阅读 英语翻译Imagine that each layer of this step pyramid is made from identical,cube-shaped blocks of stone.The bottom layer has seven rows of stones with seven stones in each row.The next laer has five rows of stones with five stones in each row.The 简单的英翻中,有分,机器译的连自己也看不懂.1、 Anyone who diturbed the Archduke's peace at Konopicht by trespassing on his land as unsuspecting trippers sometimes did on Sundays had to reckon with being shouted at by an irascible an 初一英语知识breakfast usually stars at 6:30.变否定breakfast______ _______ ______ at 6:30 求初一英语知识! 英语翻译Confidential Information of the DISCLOSER that is required to be disclosed by order,subpoena,statute or regulation in a situation affording RECEIVER no meaningful alternative may be disclosed to the extent so required,provided that RECEIV 为什么日本是一个地震多发的国家?想要一个简短的答案. 日本是不是一个地震多发国家?为什么呢,跟哪些因素有关? 初一英语补全对话,Peter and Jack are in the same class,and they live the same building.Peter has lost his key to the bike.He has to see his friend in a minute.So he goes to borrow Jack's bike.Jack=J Peter=PP:Hello!( 1 )J:Yes,what is it?P:( 2 ) 补全对话 Alice:___celebrates Bastille Day?Andrew:____.Alice:What___they do ___July 14th?Andrew:They___fireworks at night.Alice:And what about ___4th?Andrew:It's lndependence Day.Alice:___celebrates it?A 补全对话初一英语A Good morning,Madam 1)_______________________________B Yes,I am afraid my handbag is on a taxi .A 2)___________________________ B About 500 dollars.A 3)_____________________ B Yes,my ID card,I think.A What is your name?B Bett 初一英语补全对话..M:Hello!( W:Yes,I 'm new here.M:( W:I'm from the United States.What about you?M:Oh,I'm from England.I came here last year.W:( M:Yes,very much.W:( M:The Chinese food is great and the people are friendly.W:( M:Yes,but only a l 有点看不懂答案··1.The students are not allowed____.选CA.smoking B.smoke C.to smoke D.smoked 2.Bill was staying on the farm at this time last summer.So____Mary.选CA.did B.has C.was D.is 3.Close friends are those who___able to share joys and 英语看不懂, 日本是地震多发国吗? 初一情态动词练习题帮忙找十道或十道以上的情态动词练习题 英语情态动词5题练习题1."Could I call you by your first name?""Yes,you___."A.will B.could C.may D.might选C,为什么不可以选B或D2.You___walk for miles and miles among the hills without meeting anyone.A.must B.need C.may D.should选C, 情态动词练习题1.Joho____cone to see us tonight,but isn't very sure yet.A.may B.can C.has to D.must2.They____do well in the exam.A.can be able to . B.be able to. C.Can able to. D.are able to.3.May I take this b 请问有没有关于情态动词的被动语态详解及习题 英语情态动词解析The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone get out.A.had to B.would C.could D.was able toIf he started at 9 0'clock,he be there by now.A.need B.shall C.ought to D.mustThe professor gave orders that the experim 英语 英语 (11 20:9:9)那个穿白色衣服的女孩是露西的妹妹The   girl_____  ______is  Lucy"s  sister 高雄,海地,智利,这三次强烈的地震各发生在哪些板块的交界处今天之内 海地地震是哪两个板块造成的 海地地震与什么板块和什么板块运动有关 青海玉树智利海地地震时间 智利 的地震是哪2个板块所导致的 英语里 情态动词后面跟的动词用原型吗?介词后面跟的动词ing形式? 英语情态动词选择,说明理由Thank you for all your hardworking last work.i don't think we___it without you1can have managed2could have managed(选1,为什么)What a pity ,he ___better1must have done2might have done3can have done(选2, 英语中的情态动词是什么啊?要详细点的再写几个例句谢谢 英语中,情态动词是如何定义的?与实义动词的区别在哪里? 求英语里所有的情态动词?