
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 13:43:39
The.Last. 我和他都很慷慨大方的英文翻译 being sexy handsome is great!英语翻译, what is the handsome lady up to?求翻译 Our parents worry about us whether we make friends with some strange person.麻烦大家看一下以上这句话,有没有语法的错误,或不恰当之处, 如图所示,A、B为两个相同的1/4光滑圆弧轨道固定在水平面上,两圆弧半径均为R=1.8m,轨道A右侧与置于水平面上的长木板紧密连接,但不粘连,长木板质量M=2kg,上表面与圆弧轨道末端相切,右端距离 求一小白兔和小灰兔的爱情故事不是笑话,是一很感人的爱情故事.貌似也叫雪兔,故事大意就是说一灰兔喜欢一白兔,但白兔讨厌灰兔.然后下雪的时候,灰兔变成了白兔.谢谢. There is a hospital in front of the bookstore.(改为一般疑问句) 用take into account造个句还有,用它修饰的代词或者名词放在哪? 化工中雨淋阀是干什么的,有什么用 雨淋阀的用途有哪些?其结构是怎样的?分为哪几种类型? 请问汇票中pay to the order of后面跟议付行还是通支行? 请问“to the order of”在国际贸易中作何解释?“to the order of”后面加什么啊?to the order of 和 to 有什么区别啊 take 造个句子~ 有关as well as和take into account用法No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评.这句可不可以改成 No invention has received more praise,as well 氯和溴谁的化学性质较活泼 铜精矿是什么 1吨30%品味的铜精矿能炼出多少铜 怎么辨别香奈儿香水的真假我买了款chanel的bleu男士香水,我问过其他人,说那家店的信誉不错,可是这款香水在专柜里卖100ML的大概要七八百,他家店里只卖580,感觉便宜了好多,我买了之后,也不知 翻译:an order of nuns 英语翻译一个化验单中的,可以翻译得正式点的吗 请帮忙翻译"may send an order for a person, not the company? 谢谢 英语翻译Coordination depends on theextent to which group members have different sub-tasks to perform,and these subtasks are arrangedin an order of precedence. The river near our school u________ to be clean,but now it becomes dirty. 皮带上写着real leather的什么意思在皮带上写有“real leather"和”100% leather"是什么意思,这条皮带是真皮还是皮革的? 铜精矿 含铜量20%-22% ,CODE 及进口的海关监管条件 铜精矿与铜粉的区别 put in a few words怎么翻译?是固定搭配吗? whose balloons are they 他们的12月18日11点以前回打 what's more worrisome is that 前面的what's more worrisome 是主语从句但是总觉得有点别扭 我在想是不是what's应该改为what 如果这个句子本身没有错 那么改为what的话对不对呢原句what's more worrisome is that t However,people's opinions vary on this issue.中people('s) 这个's是所有格?如果改成: people has various opinions on this issue. 用法上和意思上对吗? people vary in how much they tolerate different behaviour of their dogs,so (what) some people regard as a problem,others can be quite happy to live with.这里填what,为什么是宾语从句