
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 11:06:10
税收的基本特征是 我国的税收具有哪些基本特征? i didn't ——(意识)how late it was 新概念Why didn't you sweep the floor?It was too late.She had already swept it.it was too is your umbrella this 连词成句 翻译句子!He watched until he didn't see it again We can't understand ____a decision until it is too lateA him to postphone to makeB his postponing to makeC him to postpone making D his postponing making He saw the bag when his bike hit it.() He didn't know when his bag ( __) off his bike.括号里不限字数 My father doesn't a new car .He can use his old one .考察什么doesn't 的后边加上need buy.另外因为什么,所以什么 最有想象力的文学作品求推荐几本有想象力的小说,可以是小说内容本身很有想象力的,也可以是读者需要想象力去阅读的.谢谢! 文学作品里面的“外一篇”英语怎么说? 带若的词语填空()若无事 ()若罔闻 ()若神明 ()若无睹 ()若观火 ()若洪钟 they ___the man until hedisappeared Asaw B watched C noticed Dlooked这几个词有什么区别啊 They___the train until it disappeared in the distance .为什么用watched而不是saw they ____the train until it disappeared in the distance 1.saw 2.watched 3.noticed 4.realized they ()the man until he disappeared in the darknessAsawBlookedCwatchedDfound They __the train until it ````是saw or watched?用法什么区别? 卞之琳的< 断章>作者要文字之外要表达的感情是什么?要简短,30-40字就够了,不要一大篇,看不懂,也写不下.. 找出化线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词( )A.played B.opened C.visited D.changed 孔子说“什么者乐山,什么者乐水.” 孔子说什么者乐山 什么者乐水 孔子常说:“什么者乐山,什么者乐水”? 孔子说 ( )者乐山,( )者乐水kuai@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@! 孔子说是什么者乐山,什么者乐水. The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motor bike.这里的when 可以用while 代替吗 如果者一天真的来了用英语怎么说 分狗屎和人屎有什么区别? 孔子的父亲姓什么?就是叔梁纥姓什么?孔子后人以其名为姓,但他祖先是鲁国贵族,到嘉的时候别于公室,所以称叔而不是公叔,纥是他的名字,是姓骂? glass求翻译 GLASS HAZINESS怎么翻译啊 银的化合价如题 试说明、