
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 01:15:05
傅显迂缓文言文断句 it was raining heavily as i wasIt was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill towards the station at six o'clock on a Saturday morning.At this early hour there wasn't much traffic and there weren't many people.Just as I was crossing the road nea Everything与Anything 的区别 蓝钻从3级升到4级需要多长时间?有没有半年哦. 蓝钻从三级到四级需要几个月? 年费蓝钻多长时间能升到蓝钻4级 年费蓝钻四级升五级需要多少天?我要准的, 蓝钻四级到蓝钻五级多长时间? 连词成句1.her,it,dictionary,is not 和2.school,ID,card,it,my,is not,no I'll pay you back for what you did to me.这句话我理解为:你对我所做的一切我都会"如数奉还".有点报仇的意思,可是我不懂这里用for表示什么?或都说为什么用for连接. I'll pay you back for what you did to me you will() for what you did.空里选answer还是 pay我觉得没有语境的话两者都对。 if i cant come back what will you do. 英语翻译英语翻译,1.我们受不了你们的晚会所发出的这么大的声音.(put up with) 2.如果你下午仍然很忙,那我代替你去.(if) 3.谁会为昨天发生的交通事故而受到责备?(blame) 床头捉刀人 曹操床头捉刀人四、在匈奴使者眼中崔季珪“雅望非常”,但曹操却是气度非凡.说明曹操虽形陋,但英雄气质自然流露,非崔季珪可比.你对曹操的看法是怎样的? 《猫狗鼠》简析狗和猫成了仇家的原因 朝花夕拾猫狗鼠的读书笔记!因为我不太会写拜托了 朝花夕拾中狗与猫结仇的原因是什么? 朝花夕拾中猫狗鼠里猫指 如何学习英语听力?《listen to this 1》的初级,还是一半听不懂的,原因是不认得那个单词,有一些也不知道表达方式,这种情况,要怎么练习才能提高听力?可以直接看,然后把它听熟吗? 谁帮我翻译一下这句话what are the meaning of those sentences! 朋友想学开车,可是听力有问题,上海哪里有听力中心? it is snowing 后面加什么介词或副词1.May we meet outside the zoo?No Let us meet ( ),aii right?2.It is snowing ( ).What is the temperrature? 我现在感觉很不舒服有英语怎么说i'm not feeling very well___ ___ ___ 在朝花夕拾中的 狗猫鼠 作者对狗是什么态度的? beneath,temple ,cave,earthquake的词性 中文释义 英文释义 词用、词组 字典例句 词组 课文例句.! we must() to the driver when the bus is movingA stop to talk B begin to talk C beginning talking D stop talking 床头捉刀人中曹操是个怎样的人? Its't snowing hard.You must drive什么[careful】用所给词的适当形式填空 《床头捉刀人》中作者塑造了怎样的一个曹操? 《床头捉刀人》曹操为什么要杀掉那个使者? you must install an intel driver first不要复制的.