
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 08:28:07
妖精这个词用蒙语怎样发音? the day b____ longer in spring 谁能告诉我一下“辊轧”这个词的正确发音如题 电子邮箱符号怎么添 在电子邮件地址中“@”符号前面一般是什么? The days get longer and the nights get shorter is spring.这句话的longer和shorter为什么要变成比较级 关于E-mail的@符号怎么读@这个符号怎么念(读)啊 为什么E-mail中有@这个符号,怎么读? 请问一下在邮件中的这个符号“@”念什么,应该怎么念 手臂用英语怎么说 It is _____ warm _______ in spring.如题 Is it warm in spring?(肯定回答)三格. it's ( )in autumn and it's warm in spring It's often warm and sunny in spring in the South对warm and sunny提问 失去了才懂得珍惜看得懂的朋友门加157156900群 失去才懂得珍惜,我是不是活该以前的男友对我很好,我也挺喜欢他,可总觉得他对我好是应该的,我也不怎么关心他,我们是异地,他一直在等我去他那,我因为各种理由总是拖,于是他决定和我分 为什么只有失去才会懂得珍惜?为什么只有失去后才会感到“自己当初应该好好珍惜”? It's been the best of time ,it's been the worst of time .有人能告诉我这是什么意...It's been the best of time ,it's been the worst of time . It is the best of times.It is the worst of times A fire drill is,to put it mildly,an inconvenient exercise at the best of times. It was the dest of times it was the worst of timesIt was the dest of times was the worst of times呢句点译先最好!thanks 句子翻译 he had the best (the worst) of it ( )(whose,whos)are these shoes?选择正确的单词填空 Whose shoes are theseThey are my They are his 那个对 Whose shoes are these怎么回答 these are our shoes的同意句同义句 请问你要在这里吃还是打包带走 "其中一份打包带走"用英文怎么说? Beside the tree and wanning you soul Love is like the sun coming out of clouds有没有语法错误 Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds and warming your soul.And thanks for loving me.如题.翻译. the soul of love is the beauty of the soul 是什么意思?谢谢