
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/17 05:57:15
to,you ,place,winter ,are ,the,coldest ,going ,in(?)连词成句 英语翻译1:我们继续工作,他休息了一小会(meanwhile)2:我们都在试图说服他少吃油腻食品,多锻炼(talk sb into dong sth)3:有时我会生他的气,但是不会持续很久(not for long) 英语翻译 PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE FINANCE WITH CONNECT PLUS怎么样 已知∠1=∠2,AD=AE 求证AB=AC “何疾之避”这个句式跟《陋室铭〉中的()句相似 journal of finance是哪个外文期刊的名字? 若∠1=∠2=∠3,AC=AE,求证:AB=AD., 陋室铭 本文句式整齐,骈散结合,语句优美.举一例 投了Research Journal of Finance and Accounting(金融与会计研究)吗?最后录用的机会大吗?投了Research Journal of Finance and Accounting(金融与会计研究)吗?结果是编辑让做一些改动,最后录用的机会大吗? 短文两篇陋室铭爱莲说中的何陋之有是什么特殊句式 陋室铭 何陋之有属于哪种句式,写出它的正常语序 connect plus 是什么是买书的时候随书送的 can you see the boys___fottball on the piayground?they are my classmates.A.to play B.playing C.plays D.played 《陋室铭》【甲】文中“何陋之有”一句在句式上有什么特点 Could you p us with some food and drink? Shanghai is far from Beijing ,so I take a t_____ there every year. it takes about 20minutes to get to school能不要动词不定式的同义句 The bus ride usually takes him about 20minutes to get from hom to shool对takes him about 20 minutes提问 -Tom wants to stay up and watch an old movie on TV.-Ten o'clock is ----for a boy of his age to stay up. A too late hour B too late an hour C a so late hour D very much late an hour选B为什么帮我翻译一下第二句an hour是什么 It's _ten minute walk_ from there to Shanghai对划线部分提问 __ __ is it from there to Shanghai Come and have someting to drink.这里的have是不是动词喝的意思?然后drink为名词饮料的意思?这里的have是不是动词喝的意思?然后drink为名词饮料的意思? what did you say man?咩意思` say ( )not talk with me like that?Sorry,mom.I won't.A.How about B.Would you like C.Would you mind D.Could you please请说明理由,分析下咯。 ( )in the mine for 3 days ,the miners were rescued successfully at lastA,Trapped B,Trapping C,Having trapped D,Having been trapped . ancle sam为什么代表美国 美国各洲的名字代表什么?我想美国各洲的名字的来源都有其背景或代表着什么的意思,例如"华盛顿"来自人名,"佛罗里达(Florida)"代表"florid(华丽的)","维吉尼亚(Virginia)"代表"virgin(处女)"(也许一 John often reads a book(用now改写) John___ ___ a book. The book is reaiiy good.We should read it.合并一句变为 The book is really ( ) ( ) 两个空 The book is reaiiy good.We should read it.合并一句 变为 The book is really ( ) ( ) 两个空 who is ------- ,Lucy or Lily?A taller B the taller