
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 14:18:07
谈谈吧:what misunderstandings do you think might occur between chinese people and foreigners?两三句话简述下你的观点 what do you think is the funniest people?“is the funniest people”是宾语从句吧?“is the funniest people“前面是不是省略了“who”?还是其他的呢? 1、一只小鸟飞进了迪斯科舞厅,突然掉了下来,请问发生了什么事? time and time again i ask my self这句话的语法错误time and time again i ask my self这句话的语法错误在哪里我说第一个 I应该大写那么其余的错误在哪里呢? 家里飞进一只小鸟,会暗示什么呀不知这预兆着什么 我想知道time and time again you ask me和time and time again i ask my self怎么翻译 Time and time again Youask me和Time and time again I ask Think of yourself two years ago.Wrlte about how you are dlfferent now.Are you taller now?Are you smarter?Are you more popular?Are you more outgoing?Are you a better student?Tom years ago,i was a primary school student.I am taller now.(往下接)Thi Think of yourself two years ago.Wrlte about how you are dlfferent now.要求是:Are you taller now?Are you smarter?Are you more popular?Are you more outgoing?Are you a better student? 英语中说日期时,几月几号后右上角加的小写st或者th是什么意思怎么念? 珠江三角洲城市分布主要特点 珠江三角洲发展条件 主要城市 工业部门 特征 谁能给我一份 完整的英语报价单 "他是如何做到的?" 翻译成英语 英语翻译 some say love it is a river .That drowns the tender reed.Some say love it is a razor .用字典找的意思不标准,在此先谢谢了\\从头开始就行了thany thany thany! we had a ___ time on mount tai last week .the weather there was nice.___ ____ ___ w填写英文we had a ___ time on mount tai last week .the weather there was nice.___ ____ ___ we arrived there,we began to climb mount tai .it took us almost the whole You are old enough to __yourself.A.think of B.think for C.think over D.think about 那这个呢. It really took him him__to draw the nice horse.A.long time B.some time但我想A也可以选啊,请高手给我一个确切的答案, It really is a long time since I was last a student. 这句话里面的last是什么成分,这是正常语序么? I really regret going to the movies last week为什么用going togoing to不是一种将来时,表示将来打算、计划去做或者有意去做的事吗,为什么上周已经去看了的电影要用going to? 对画线部分提问:They are going to (see a film) tomorrow. they are going to see a film( tomorrow)对划线部分提问.3q They are going too see a film tomorrow morning.(对画线部分提问) first 1st second 2nd twenty-first 21st one hundred and first 101st 为什么它们的结尾不是“什么th”? 来帮我找下歌,歌词好像有 Sorry,I don't love,I'm sorry,I don't need 是一个男的唱的 注意(做)某事 英语词组 "注意"英文短语 珠江三角洲包括了哪些城市 珠三角都包括哪?包括哪些城市 珠江三角洲指的是哪些城市?为什么这样叫? 英文翻译谢谢.我情不自禁的亲了下她的脸颊.