
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 20:19:23
how i____ it is to see father christmas on a h____ summer day的中文 Today,my car was stolen.From my driveway.From my driveway.By the guy who sold it to me.求翻译 in particular怎么造句?这里in particular的意思是 这里的意思是 请看清楚拉~ 《最后一课》第十六段第四行“这种方式”指什么? 《最后一课》的“最后”指什么? t1.take (letters parcels etc)to the place是哪个单词的意思 2.one thousand housand 是哪个单词的意思2.one thousand housand 是哪个单词的意思3.cause to exist Take away my first letter ,take away my second letter,take away all my lett用英文回答. failed to connect with ms 用汉文是什么意思 failed to connect the dots. the teacher point out some g_____ mistakes in my writing That's Lucy.Guess.Who( )I?用Be动词 Beijing's Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂.为什么 people 前要加the 不要回答the的用法.请针对问题回答. have in common汉语意思 you can buy something there是什么意思好困扰 be stressed out in common major in well ,you can buy 20dollars tickets or tickets ___ you preferA. which B whichever C. what D. whatever have...in common与be similar to的区别 After the lightning came the thunder.闪电后接着是雷声这里为什么要用 came啊?我不是问came的意思,我是问为什么用came而不是comes 为什么要用过去式啊 ....懂的大大回,不懂的不要瞎讲 they are builking a new library near our home(改被动语态) White 快 died die dead dying 哪些可以用于现在完成时 i s_____(that) i can see you soon. 英语翻译宁缺毋滥!This hostel is located in a shady-looking part of town,about a mile north of the strip,next to a few adult stores.我翻译的时候,也是把the strip翻译成脱衣舞酒吧,这么翻译有问题不? Nobody would be in this area怎么翻译? 有谁知道White House 的具体地址在那里? 仿写句子红红的枫叶像一枚枚邮票飘哇飘哇邮来了秋天的凉爽怎么写 照样子写句子,如红红的枫叶像一枚枚邮票,邮来了秋天的凉爽.浓浓的树阴像—— 读句子在学着做 红红的枫叶像一枚邮票,邮来了秋天的凉爽.那粉红的挑花像什么? 参加句子模仿秀了.例:红红的枫叶带来了秋天的凉爽.红红的枫叶像一枚枚邮票,邮来了秋天的凉爽.1、明亮的星星布满夜空.明亮的星星像( ).2、金色的树叶在空中飞舞.金色的树叶像( ).3 thousand of 谓语动词用单数还是复数那如果是people呢? “several thousand students ”中的“thousand"为什么不是复数? why me don’t have a love