
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 11:44:48
中国气象发展谁能简单得说一下中国气象发展史, Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s,but they ___more quickly than in 1910s.3QA.did more B.had moved cars moved very slowly in the 1920,s ,but they ——move more quickly than in 1910横线处填:did do actually automatically? the cars had to move very slowly because it was raining heavily.(保持原意)the cars had to move very slowly because of the _ _. Why could't Benben win the first prize? Very Important Person,贵宾一般被缩写为什么英文? that在定语从句中可做宾语放在介词后吗?如to that,of that 介词后面的宾语可以用从句吗? of something →of that……remind sb of that that从句能位于介词之后吗?怎么有的说能有的说不能呢?有特殊情况吗?请举例说明 ,I know nothing about my new neighbor except that he used to work with a company.这里的介词except后不就加that了吗? Computer is one of the most important _______(invents)in morden world用括号内适当的形式填空 英语中如何判断该用元音发音还是辅音发音呢? And computer studies will be one of the most important subject at school 这句哪里有错误 一道英语倒装题Marx was born in Germany,and German was his native language..so it was with Engels与so was 全倒装中遇专用名词要不要倒装The cat jumped down.可变为 Down jumped the cat.Lucy jumped down若用倒装,是变成Down jumped Lucy 还是Down Lucy jumped 一个英语倒装问题so/neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语”so与前面的肯定句呼应,norneither 与后面的否定句呼应.其中的动词形式取决于前一句的动词.表示前者的情况也适用于后者或一者具备两 Let's go and have a look.的中文意思 He was born in shanghai in 2000.--------------------------- 对划线部分提问.That box is so heavy that i can`t life it.(改为简单句)That box is ———— heavy for me ————— ________. 即使伤心也要面带微笑用英语怎么说? 我们班主任面带微笑地走进教室.我们班主任面带微笑地走进教室.英文 Our head teacher comes into the classroom ___ a smile ____ his face. 面带微笑.英语翻译. 老师可以介绍几个预测天气的谚语吗?用英语 如何提高自己的英语口语水平?偶要工作了,有可能接触到很多外国人,如何在短时间内提高自己的英语口语水平呢 我想提高一下自己的英语口语水平和同学一起的时候见她用英语和一个老外聊天,很是惊讶,不知道她的口语这么好,我也想学一下 怎样快速提高自己的英语口语水平 意大利文艺复兴盛期卓越三杰是? 意大利文艺复兴三杰是指哪三杰? Vevina 和Vanessa哪个英文名好 VIP stands for"Very important Person"帮忙翻译下, China\'s 1.3 billion people,I love you one翻译中文是什么意思? So many people,in the world are just fell in love with you 地心游记观后感 地心游记的观后感