
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 02:32:39
妻宫两硬无刑什么意思? 人教版 八上语文作业本第六课体验探究(即13题)结合课文内容,发挥你的想象,一“阿长买《山海经》”为题,写一个片段.(100字左右) 一个等腰三角形的周长是36厘米两边的长度之比是1:4三条边分别是多少急急 语法练习I will take down your name and address in case you ( ) as a witness.A.are needed B.will bw neededC.need D.be needed 关于语法题的 练习My parents will move back into town in a year or ( )A.later B.after C.so D.about答案是C,同志们帮我解决一下吧,谢谢 语法训练题用以下词语填空passport,taxi,check-in counter,airport,suitcase,X-ray machine,holiday,ferry,transport,ticket,passenger,plane,Airport Express,seat,boarding pass.Andy enjoys taking a 1)____________.It is the only transport in the sk 几种的鸟及特点 什么同步练习比较好.最好有讲解知识点的.不要纯题目.这个暑假想自学高一上学期的物理.求推荐. 四年级开心暑假口字谜1口分2家 2口在下下 3口叠罗汉 4口团团转 5口不是你 6口长双角 7口斥声大 8口双足长 9口多1口 10口非今话第35页 语文暑假四年级p56页的谜语答案 有一个两字组成的词,顺着年人人爱吃,倒念胆战心惊,是什么字? 一物有千口.你有我也有`( ) 语法练习和指导您好,我现在上高二,马上上高三,能如何有效的提高成绩吗?关于语法,有什么推荐练习和指导,或是关于这方面的参考书. 语法题 求指导 语法题求大神指导A Chinese TV series with the theme of anti-Japanese war during the Second World War is being broadcast on L.A's television screens,drawing great attention from viewersA.is broadcasting Bhas broadcast C.is being broadcast D.has 计算器fx-82es解方程 按要求改写句子,意思不变我们中国人是走上坡路嘛,能不弯腰埋头使劲?(改成为用句号的句式) 语法综合练习题写出下列单词的复数形式city. 2.key. 3.mouse. 4.bus. 5.English. 6.sheep. 7.tomato. 8.brush. 9.knife写出下列单词的单数形式children. 2.butterflies. 3.men. 4.leaves. 5.po *综合语法练习I was i deep thought ( ) that I didn't hear the doorbell.A.as a result B.as the result C.with the result D.the result is 高中综合语法练习710.The teacher,as well as a commitee of students,( ) an English wall newspaper.A.have edited B.has edited C.are edited D.is edited 1>a分之3>15分之4,且a是正整数,则a可以取哪些数? 改写句子,要求句意不变.1,He eat some apples.He still wanted ten more apples.He eat some apples.He still wanted _______apples.2,It is too hard.I can't do it.It is too hard__________it.3,I went out to play football after I finished my homework 句意不变改写句子1.Her friends looked after her well last week.Her friends ____ ______ _____ of her last week.2.My brother is good at playing basketball.My brother ________ ______ _____playing basketball.3.How many bedrooms are there in the bi 改写句子,句意不变.因为重庆建在山上,所以我们成重庆为山城.30分之内! 改写句子,使句意不变例:Always do your homework before you get too tired.改:( ) you get too tired,you should ( )doing your homework.注:一空一词. 三教九流九流指的是哪九流 惊喜的英文怎么拼. "惊喜"用英语怎么拼? 鸟的特点是什么? 鸟最大的特点是什么? 求100句式练习 英语句子 意思不变改写1.These cases belong to her=These cases___________________2.This pen is his=This pen___________________3.Do these flowers belong to them?=_____________these flowers___________________?4.Do those letters belong to us?=__