
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 18:05:04
Miss Lin is a s___ of a hotel manager.怎么填不知怎么填? __ __ watch it?这是什么牌子的表? the professor's wife __ in a hotel __ a senior manager A、B两城相距200千米,客车在A城,速度为每小时40千米,吉普车在B城,速度为每小时60千米1.A.B两城相距200千米,客车在A城,速度为每小时40千米,吉普车在B城,速度为每小时60千米,两车同时同向而行, 《芦花荡》 芦花荡 预习笔记 电缆直径面积计算电线的平方=圆周率(3.14)×线直径的平方/4电缆大小也用平方标称,多股线就是每根导线截面积之和电缆截面积的计算公式:0.7854 × 电线半径(毫米)的平方 × 股数其中 如何计算金属截面积?比如我这根电缆,是150的,他的重量如何用截面积计算出来?本人是文科出身,请朋友不要写太复杂的物理名词,尽量简单实用就好,工地上用的,算个大概!能说具体点吗?比如说 future is what you make of it!Everything's Gonna Be Alright!请翻译:future is what you make of it!Everything's Gonna Be Alright! It is very nice for you to help me make plans for/of my future选哪个呢谢谢RT whatever it is, whatever it may be什么意思 It is up to you to make a right choice.make 前It is up to you to make a right choice.make 前为什么要加to 父母的爱 motel,hotel和restaurant的区别如题这几个词区别在哪?好像motel和hotel,也都是可以吃饭的另外motel,我也知道解释是汽车旅馆,是指可以停车?那其他的hotel和restanrant也可以啊。真搞不清楚干吗有 restaurant hotel hostel 区别有哪位知道restaurant hotel hostel 三者的区别吗?要详细具体点的, The manager of the restaurant was called John,and_____back,I realized that he wasn't a very good managerA looked B to look C looking D look 英语听力中restaurant和hotel有什么区别 能形容 寂寞和难过与无赖的词有那些 ( )the boy over there?he is my feriend () father is a hotel manager.a.who is;who is.b.whose;whose.c.who is;whose.d.whose;who is. Bill is father is a manager Lily's father was a manager last year(对manager提问)____ ____ Lily's father ____ last year? Lily's father was a manager last year.(对a manager提问)()()Lily's father's () last year? His father is His father is (a factory manager)对括号部分提问 一张桌子四个角,砍掉一角……打一数量词 一张桌子有4个角、砍去一个角、还剩几个角(打一数量词) 一张桌子四个角砍去一个角还剩几个角,打一数量词 一个桌子四个角砍去一个角.还剩几个角?打一数量词. 一张桌子四个脚,砍掉一个,还剩几个打一数量词 果然的反义词是什么?一 魅力 填量词 填写反义词:临时——( ) 严肃——( ) 填写量词:一( )江 找出下面文言文中的一对反义词 楚有祠者,赐其舍人卮酒.舍人相谓曰:“数人饮之不足,一人饮之有余.请画地为蛇,先成者饮酒.” 一人蛇先成,引酒且饮之,乃左手持卮,右手画蛇曰:“我能为 愿车马衣裘,与朋友共,敝之而无憾翻译一下这个句子 中学生应该怎样做到对人守信、对事负责?