
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 07:23:42
ran through ,ran away ,ran into ,ran out 的意思 I am the tallest in our class 转换 I am the tallest in my class是选词填空的一题,为什么一定选the tallest,为什么不选tall,我觉得我在我们班算高的,这句话不也对? I am in Class 1,Grade 7.为什么不在in后面加the?另外,the的用法是什么, am、I、youngest、the、in、class、the如和排列顺序 The old man came upstairs with great strength,his right hand ____ a stick for support为什么选holding?没谓语了?逗号后面没谓语算是个什么成分的句子? Come and buy your clothes____our great sale .What do you need? What about s____ at a friend's house?根据句意及首字母填空 fish的用法关于fish的复数形式,完整,简洁,最好有例句 an ocean fish 这个用法对吗?ocean 可以做adj吗?这是TOFEL语法原题中的一个用法 fish 用法,四个句子判断正误.Fish is swimming.Fish are swimming.A fish is swimming.Fishes are swimming.作为“鱼肉”讲,fish不可数,这个我知道.但作为“鱼”来讲,我搞不清楚该怎样用谓语动词. in about five minutes 标志什么时态? 分析一下这个句子 What a big fish I've caught one last They caught a big fish in the river ,( )about one metre.用measure的正确形式填空, once i caught a fish alive是升么意思? He is a man of mind .He does everything by himself. 填空 he is a man of i______mind.he does everthing by himself. He is proad of his furniture of his mind啥意思? 她流利的英语使我们感到吃惊.(make+sb.+adj.) 关于to doing的初中词组 THE MEETING ____ OVER,WE WENT TO OUR CLASSROOM TO HAVE A DISCUSSION A.WAS B.BEING C.HAS BEEN ...THE MEETING ____ OVER,WE WENT TO OUR CLASSROOM TO HAVE A DISCUSSIONA.WAS B.BEING C.HAS BEEN D.BEPS.请说下理由.答案已知.却不知原因.希望 deng怎么写,说这个人真deng 儿呀, 谁知道 Mr.deng 服装的介绍..如题 Mr.deng 这个东西有的说是韩国有的说法国,还有冒中国的..我想了解一下它的介绍 英语翻译这个英文名字翻译中文是什么字 He was at Mr.Deng's at 9 o'clock last Sunday对 at Mr.Deng's 提问 Neither of us ____(play) volleyball well,用适当形式填空 shop的过去式和过去分词为什么是shopped而不是shoped啊? Look for five-dollar words to replace one dollar words Some words in your vocabulary are general and unclear;the meanings they convey are not precise,exact,or expressive.Try to replace these one-dollar words with five-dollar words that convey your me on the first day he c___ a lot of fish and was very happy 翻译:你们经常什么时候吃晚饭?你想要点什么? 英语翻译the trickster中的truant kids a can of brick dust worms who do not want toclimb down from,their chestnut tree,long white gloves,police tread carefully,escape from the zoo,the perfect child facsimile.怎么觉得前后不相干...总之 joke with sb about后除了跟sth,还可以跟sb吗?答好了再多加我所有的财富值了 哥们儿